VF4FT Lion Orange Book Combo Maniacs

Jun 11, 2022
VF4FT Lion Orange Book Combo Maniacs

  • 2_6P or 6K (A2)(top)

    [2_][6][P] counter hit or [6][K](A2)

    1. [4][4][K] buffer[P][+][K] [4][6][P][+][K][P][P]
    2. [4][4][K] buffer [P][+][K] [6][K](A1)
    3. [4][6][P][+][K] [6_][K][K]
    4. [4][6][P][+][K] [2][K][K][+][G]
    5. [4][6][P][+][K][P][P]
    6. [2][P] [2_][3][P][P]

    When [2_][6][P] hits on counter hit, in closed stance combo 2 (up to middle weights) and in open stance 1 (light weights, Lei, Kage, Akira if you stop on the second hit.) are the basic combos. Against heavy weights, go for combo 3 in closed stance and combo 4 in open stance.

    The float after the [6][K](A2) is low, so combos are harder to get compared to [2_][6][P]. Even on counter hit, combos are limited to [4][6][P][+][K] [4][4][K] [P][+][K] in closed stance and 3 in open stance. On normal hit if in closed stance 5 is guaranteed, but in open stance there are a limited number of moves that will connect. Depending on the character, you'll have to make do with combo 6.



    7. Buffer [P][+][K] [K][K]
    8. Buffer [P][+][K] [4][6][P][+][K][P][P]
    9. Buffer [P][+][K] [4][6][P][+][K] [4][4][K]

    [4][4][K], above being a move that "baskdashes to avoid the opponent's move, and then hits them during their recovery" is also a main move for starting combos on normal hit. In closed stance 8, in open stance 7 will connect as the basics (input [K][K] with the lever neutral). Up to Kage size combo 7 will still in closed stance, so try to judge it as quickly as possible.

    Combo 9 in open stance is for focussing on okizeme. For opponent's that don't tech roll you can automtically apply a nitaku with a large down pounce.

    Stomach Crumple(top)

    [2][1][4][P] counter hit or successful sabaki or [3][3][P][+][K] counter hit

    10. [4][6][P][+][K][P][P] [4][6][P][+][K][P]
    11. [6][6][K][K]
    12. [4][6][P][+][K][P][P]

    After any of the stomach crumples, 11 is guaranteed, or 12 in open stance. Or, if you delay the [4][6][P][+][K][P][P] slightly it will refloat them and allow it to hit in closed stance. It gives a lot better damage than [6][6][K] and allows you to speedily transfer into okizeme, so there is value in going for it. 10 is a character limited combo (Closed stance Light and middle weights other than Aoi, Vanessa, Shun. Open stance light weights and Lion) giving the best damage.


    [6][6][P] or [6][4][P]~[K] when [6][4][P] sabakis and whiffs

    13. 1frame delay [2][P] [8][P][+][K]
    14. [4][6][P][+][K][P][P]
    15. 1frame delay [2][P] [6][P][P]
    16. [2][P] [4][6][P][+][K] [K]

    Combos 13-16 are for when [6][4][P] sabakis and the follow up [K] connects, or when [6][4][P] whiffs and the [K] connects. 31 is for Shun, Jacky and Lei, 14 is for Sarah, Vanessa, 125 is for Akira and 16 is for Wolf. Also, you can turn around from the [6][4][P] and get a guaranteed throw.



    17. [6_][P] [6_][K][K]
    18. [4][4][P] buffer[P][+][K] [K]
    19. [4][4][K] buffer[P][+][K] [K]
    20. [6_][P] [6_][P][P][2][P]
    21. [4][6][P][+][K][P][P]

    From [P][+][K], checking foot stance is incredibly important. Firstly, in closed stance against all chracters [6][6][K][K] will connect. In open stance, 21 will connect against most characters. If you want to improve the damage, in closed stance 17 will work on all characters. In open stance, against light weight characters [4][4][K] buffer[P][+][K] will connect, on Akira combo 19, on Goh, Kage, Brad, Lau and Jacky 18 and on the other characters 20.



    22. [2][P] [P] [6_][K][K]
    23. [2][P] [P] [6_][P][P][2][P]
    24. [2][P] [4][6][P][+][K][P][P]
    25. [4][P][P]
    26. [4][6][P][+][K][P][P]
    27. [6][6][K][K]

    After [2_][6][P][+][G] combo 27 is guaranteed on everyone (it's a little unreliable on heavy weights) and does okay damage, but people with confidence in their command input will want to go for the difficult high damage combos.

    24 works on light weights and Lau. The difficulty is at the lower end of the scale, and if you can just get your dash to [2][P] timing right then it's reliable. 22 is the best combo that you can land on Kage and Lei Fei, but the timing for the [2][P] is very strict. When there is a large difference in life, and when the conditions are met is the realistic time to go for it. 23 is just for Brad, and although it's a little easier than 22 it's still highly difficult. It carries them a long distance, so it's good to go for at the ring's edge. 25 is possible on Jacky and Akira. It gives better damage than [6][6][K][K] and goes into okizeme easily, so it's a combo that you should use in real fights. 26 is Wolf only, and the trick is you need to backdash slightly before entering the combo. The damage is high and it moves into okizeme easily.



    28. [6_][K][K]
    29. [4][4][K] buffer [P][+][K]

    The basic combo from [4][P][+][K] is 28, but this won't work in closed stance on Aoi and Pai, so in this instance use 29 instead.

    3 or 9P+K+G P+K(top)

    [3] or [9][P][+][K][+][G][P][+][K] counter hit

    30. [2][P] [4][6][P][+][K][P][P]
    31. [2][P] [4][6][P][+][K][P]

    Combo 30 is for closed stance where you move to the opponent's stomach side, 31 is for when you move to your opponent's back. [2][P] can be avoided by techrolling, but even if it is the whiff isn't long so you can still go for ukemizeme, so use it in any case.

    Source: Orange Mook
    Writer: Ohsu
    Translation - Noodalls
    Posted by noodalls on 20/02/2005
    Edited by Myke on 03/04/2005
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