VF4FT Shun Arcadia Issue 52

Jun 12, 2022
VF4FT Shun Arcadia Issue 52

  • Follow the fine changes in powering down his main moves(top)

    The weakening of his [3][6][P] is harsh, but you should be able to use his new and change moves quite well. Distinguish truth from fallacy and assail your opponent.

    Be aware of the changes to his present moves(top)

    The move that has recieved the largest change is what was one of his mains, the [3][6][P]. The recovery on crouching guard and the return on normal hit are excellent, as has been the case up until now, and can be used without problem as reverse nitaku or a delayed hit, but the recovery after standing guard has been greatly increased. It's not to the point of having a guaranteed counter, but it does mean that avoiding nitaku is now quite tough. Also, the recovery on whiff is the similarly extended, so it has the impression of being a hard move to use as a set attacking technique. The execution has also been slowed by a frame, so you'll have to distinguish when to use it and the [3][P] or changed [6][P].

    Moves that avoid nitaku have also been powered down overall. The [2][K] has become easier to stuff, it has increased lag on guard and so is easier to counter. The [1] (or [7]) [P][+][K][+][G] and [1_][P] seem to have become easier to stuff as they are executing. Also, the [1_][P] will now only knock down on zero DP if it hits on large counter. It seems to give a slight disadvantage on small or middle CH.

    In writing this, only the weakened moves stand out, but there are strengthened moves as well. First, the [2][P] advantage on hit has been increased. You can expect to have a wider range of options on hit and CH now. The choukarou stance has also been strengthened. The choukarou [P][+][G] is now quicker in grabbing the opponent, and is harder to avoid with evade->crouch dash. The choukarou [8] (or [2]) will now return to normal stance afterwards, so it is easier to use.

    About the change moves(top)

    The moves that can be changed are [6][P] and [4][P]. The A2 [6][P] is a 15 frame mid punch, which can be used like other characters elbows. The B2 [4][P] is 16 frames, avoids towards the stomach, and is a half-circular backfist. With >6DP, you can string into [4][P][P]. There are opportunities to use either change move, so compare it with your own style and choose the easier one to use.

    • The sped up choukarou [P][+][G], on failed throw it recovers quickly, so it's easy to use.
    • The execution is quick, and it's a mid hit, so the B2 [4][P] is easy to incorporate into strings. Also, it can be used after a [2][P], so it's can be used as a new option to attack.


    The combos from [3][6][P] on normal hit (close range.) On all characters but heavy weights, [6_][P], [6_][K][P] will hit regardless of stance. On heavy weights, go for [K][K][P] in closed stance and [6_][P], [6_][P], [4][3][P] in open stance. On everyone but Lion and heavyweights, you'll want to go for [6_][P], [K][K][2][P] in closed stance (you may need to delay the 2nd hit for some characters) to increase your damage.

    Source: Arcadia Issue 52
    Text: Yanaga
    Translated by: noodalls
    Posted by noodalls on 10/09/2004
    Edited by Myke on 03/04/2005
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