VF5FS Akira Strategy

Apr 23, 2018
VF5FS Akira Strategy

  • Introduction(top)

    Akira is a very direct and linear character, that requires above-average yomi and quick acting on opponents habits to be truly effective. He lacks strings and effectively, the mix-up potential and guessing games that comes with strings. But, to compensate, Akira has very strong, safe single-hitting attacks that have multiple utilities.

    Overall, his lower damage combos are easy to execute, has amazing comeback factor through his max damage combos and throws; and is an extremely safe character, it is rare for Akira players to be at -6 or more, often.


    -Akira's nitaku game is strong due to him having a strong CH launcher in [6][6][6][P] (SDE), a strong throw game and a 13f GB (Guard Break) [6][P][+][K][+][G], as well as the guessing games that come with using his half circular mids: [4][6][P][+][K] and [4][6][P][+][K][+][G].

    -The best time to use these half circular mids are when you are at +7 and +8 due to the fact that your opponent can still [2][P] you out of these moves at -6, and characters that have 11f [P] (Lion, Kage, Pai, Eileen) can [P] you out of those mids at -7. These mids are wonderful at beating both evade and abare at said advantages.

    -If you are at +3, and you know that your opponent will abare, the best choice hands down is [6][6][6][P], one of the best moves in the game that can net you about 1/3 of your opponents life bar (depending on weight class.)

    -Here comes the fun part. When you've conditioned your opponent enough to make them stand still at their nitaku, GB them, mercilessly.

    What is recommended at different advantages?
    -At +1-2: [6][6][P] (Dashing Elbow), when at +1 DE must be buffered perfectly during 10fr buffer window for it to execute at 13fr.)

    -At +2: DE or [3][P].

    -At +3-6: SDE. You can also use [K][+][G] (release [G] within 1 frame) for extra damage if you know your opponent is going to abare, but as this move is punishable on block it can be a large risk.

    -At +1-5: [6][P][+][K][+][G], GBoD(Guard Break of Doom or Toryū Tenshin Hazankai) *Against and experienced opponent who knows when to fuzzy after they attack. Both of these GB will beat guard after they stand back up after fuzzying. Blow them up for making a somewhat safe choice.

    -At +6 and above: [4][6][P][+][K], [4][6][P][+][K][+][G], [3][3][P] (Yōhō). As I stated above, Akira's half circular mids are best used at +7 & +8, as they can beat both abare and evade, a luxury we Akira players do not normally have. (this is not to say that those mids cannot be used in any other situation, trust your yomi) If you are at +7, and you know that your opponent is going to abare, Feel free to use Yōhō, for spectacular damage.

    What can you do to defeat a Guarding Throw Escape? (e.g. guard breaks)
    -Akira is perhaps the best at the game at beating yutori (Guarding TE), with tools such as [6][P][+][K][+][G], GBoD, and [2][P][+][K][+][G].

    What can you do if you anticipate an evade in any or a particular direction?
    -Evade to stomach: [4][P] (can finish string with [P] or [P][+][K]), [4][6][P][+][K], delayed attacks

    -Evade to back: [4][6][P][+][K][+][G], delayed attacks

    Side Turned(top)

    What are this character's options for side turning the opponent with an attack or throw?

    -Akira's main (and at the moment only) tool to turn his opponent ST(side turned) is 46 P+K+G. It is a 19fr single handed (view attack classes in glossary for more info) half circular mid that beats evades to Akira's back. For your opponent to EDC (Evade dash cancel) this move, he/she must be no lower than -8. For your opponent to ECDC (Evade crouch dash cancel) this move, he/she must be no lower than -4. After hitting your opponent with, he/she is subject to a nasty mix-up.

    -46 P+K+G on CH(counter hit) leaves your opponent at +9. What does this mean? Well, due to rules of ST, anyone in a ST situation must wait 3 frames before they can block or evade. However, they can still crouch highs and block lows immediately. This means that, if your opponent does nothing, you get a free PK or PP. If even if they crouch however, 2P is unblockable. This is the option that just about everyone goes for. After this, multiple situations can occur:
    -If they abare, 3K to crumple.
    -If they abare, P+K leaves you at +15, meaning that Double palm (2_46 P), Standing Palm (46 P) an possibly Yōhō(needs testing) is guaranteed.
    -If they just guard, one can use P+G for the side throw, either 6 P+K+G, which leaves you at +17 (guaranteed Yōhō) or 2 P+K+G, which leaves you at +14 (Guaranteed 3 K+G P+K). Since highs can be ducked immediately, choice two is preferable.

    -There is one flaw almost all Akira's mix-ups from ST have: they're all linear! So, add circulars from this situation and really make it a guessing game for your opponent! Use 4PP, 46 P+K and P+K+G, delay your SDE! And my personal favorite, use Dashing Palm Elbow (2_6 P on hit P). Buffering the motion for that move delays it just enough for it to hit your opponent.

    What are the optimal follow-ups when the opponent is side turned?
    -The only thing I could think of for this section is noting how much Akira's frames change at ST. Here's a quick list.
    -4P= +2, 4PP= -1
    -Shoulder ram (2_3 P+K)= -1
    -1P= +2
    -46 P= +4
    -46 P+K= +1
    -46 P+K+G= -1
    -Dropping Palm (214 P) = +9
    Hope this gets you all creative.
    Do the options vary due to ring position?
    -Needs further testing.

    What are the optimal follow-ups when you successfully evade an attack that recovers standing or crouching?
    -It generally depends on what move you evade. For example, if you evade the last hit of Goh's 3KP, you get a free Yōhō punish. So, you'll have to experiment. But the general moves are:
    Standing Opponents:
    -46 P

    Crouching Opponents:
    -66 P


    Any additional notes about combos (e.g. favouring one over another due to ring position)
    -Just about all Akira's combos carry pretty far, so for now, no. One combo does not trump another in ring positioning.

    Discuss techniques that can be used for 1 frame delays
    -The best way to 1FK (One frame kill) for Akira is using 11 P+K+G The reason for this working is that if you use the command 1 P+K+G that is not part of your character's command list, the game will read it as a 2P. So, us Akira players are able to use this, and it is more effective at delaying than 662 P.

    Wakeup Strategies(top)

    -Akira has great range on his low wake up kicks, and some even combo(such as face up, legs facing opponent.)


    Akira perhaps has the best Okizeme in the game. Using attacks such as 46 P+K on your opponents wake up forces them to stand block it, makes them guess an evade direction, and knocks down, potentially resetting the entire situation. This move is also ideal for Oki due to the fact that it's a double handed move (most reversals and sabaki won't work on it.) and it's long amount of active frames (the move stays active and is able to hit your opponent longer than most other moves.)

    -46 P+K+G leaves your opponent ST and subjects them to Akira shenanigans.

    -The goal of hitting your opponents with these mids is to force them to stand guard making them free to Guard breaks. AKIRA MUST DIE!

    Baiting and punishing whiffed rising attacks
    -Most attacks are good for this situation. However attacks like 46 P, which yields a combo, 46 P+K, which knocks down, and Yōhō, which yields a combo and knocks down, are preferable.

    Guaranteed punishment after blocking certain rising attacks
    -Some low rising kicks are -15 on hit. Double palm should suffice for that situation. Also, when your opponent rolls backward and wakes up with a mid rising attack, they are at -15, which means 46 P is guaranteed.


    Ideal attacks to pressure with

    -Great attacks to pressure with are 46 P+K, 46 P+K+G, 2_6 P on hit P, 666 P, and SPoD, especially when you read your opponent's 2G.

    Option selects between attack or down attack

    -3P option selects with Akira's light down attack (3P) and his elbow class move (3P).

    -Moves great for meaties:
    46 P+K (great active frames, knocks down)
    214 P (Great active frames, combos if hit, plus on block if blocked)
    43 P (Great active frames, neutral on block)

    Ring Position(top)

    Wall Pressure(top)

    How to induce, and follow-up, wall staggers

    -46 P+K+G is Akira's main move to get your opponent into a ST situation. If 46 P+K+G hit CH, 2P is guaranteed against any opponent who does not have a low crush attack that is considered airborne on the 1st frame. (For now, I only know of Eileen.)

    -When your opponent is in ST next to a wall, ANY hit will get a wall stagger, and your best wall splat from then would be 2_46P. So then, CH 46 P+K+G guarantees 2P, 2P on a ST opponent will wall stagger, and 2_46P will wall splat.

    -3 P+K against an opponent with their back against the wall will result in a wall stagger which is next to impossible to struggle out of. Use 3P+K then 2_46 P to get a wall splat.

    -Also a couple of things to consider. P+K against an opponent with their back against the wall does not guarantee a wall splat. Many Akiras use P+K when their opponent's back is against the wall, then P+K again to wall splat. Only PK is guaranteed after this, so it is important to maximize damage output.

    How to induce, and follow-up, wall side stuns

    Ring Out(top)

    Ideal ways to ring out over half fences

    -After launching near a half fence, PK seems to do a better job ringing them out instead of the usual 6KP.

    Ideal combos that carry good distance (for ring out)

    -Combos ending in 2K+G P on hit P seem to carry far.


    Anything else is unique about the character?

    Nope, what you see, is what you get... A broken character. ;)
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