VF5FS Eileen Start Guide #2

Apr 5, 2017
VF5FS Eileen Start Guide #2
  • Hi, I'm Iichiko Eileen, an Eileen player from the metropolitan Tokyo area. I mained Akira up until VF4 Final Tuned, and then switched to Eileen when VF5 dropped.

    Eileen's Characteristics, Strengths and Weaknesses(top)

    Based around Eileen's [6][P] basic mid elbow, [9][K] launcher and [P] (which at 11f, is 1 frame faster than the usual 12f), players can use her unique cancel and interrupt system to bring opponents to their knees.

    Her main weakness is her extremely light weight, which puts her in danger of eating very high combo damage. There are many instances where players have to bear a lot of risks when using Eileen.

    Basic Skills(top)

    Elbow class(top)

    [6][P]- A standard but extremely versatile 14f elbow attack that strings into a high [P], which in turn can be followed-up with another attack, cancelled, or transitioned into an interrupt move. Even simply stopping after [6][P] to keep opponents guessing is a good tactic.

    Upper class(top)

    [3][P]- Unfortunately Eileen's upper class move doesn't knock down or launch even on normal hit. You can cancel or go to interrupt moves though, so if [3][P] counter hits cancelling into [2][3][6][K][K][K] or [2][1][4][P] will connect.

    Knee class(top)

    [9][K]- This will launch on hit.

    1. Combos
    2. [9][K], [P][P] cancel [2][3][6][P][+][K][K], [6][6][K], [4][P][+][K] cancel [2][1][4][K][+][G]
      a stable combo for all characters up to Jacky's weight
    3. [9][K], [P][P] cancel [2][1][4][P][P][P]
      for characters heavier than Jacky


    [K][+][G]- This is your main full-circular move to use when you anticipate your opponent will evade.

    [4][K][+][G] and [4][P][+][K]- These half-circulars won't leave you at large disadvantages.

    [4][K]- Hitting this will side turn your opponent.

    Be careful, all of these moves are high, so your opponent will be able to crouch under them.


    In order of damage from high to low:
    1. [6][3][2][1][4][P][+][G]
    2. [6][6][P][+][G]
    3. [6][4][P][+][G]
    4. [6][P][+][G]- Entering [6] after this will allow you to switch positions with your opponent, useful when you're against a wall so you can set them up for a wall combo.
    5. [P][+][G]

    Other useful moves(top)

    [2_][3][P][+][K]- A great move to use against your opponent's mid attacks.

    [4][6][P]- Effective against highs.

    [9][P]- Effective against lows.

    These moves are great to use for reverse-nitaku when you're at disadvantage, but if you make an incorrect read you can be punished severely due to Eileen's light weight. Use with caution.

    Basic Strategy(top)

    When the opponent is able to fuzzy guard
    Mainly use Eileen's strings from [6][P], and [3][P] cancel and interrupt moves. Also using [2][3][6][P][+][K][P][+][G], which is an inescapable catch throw, can be very effective.

    When the opponent is unable to fuzzy guard
    Use throws, and when the opponent starts to abare against them look to counter hit them with [3][P] cancelled into [2][3][6][K][K][K] for good damage. If you're at large advantage, [4][6][K][+][G] is a good move to use, too. It's a little slow, but gives you a high-damage combo opportunity on hit.

    Iichiko Eileen

    Source: Iichiko Eileen's VF5FS Beginner's Blog post
    Author: Iichiko Eileen
    Translator: Modelah

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