VF5FS Jacky Move Analysis

Apr 28, 2014
VF5FS Jacky Move Analysis

  • Top Moves(top)

    1. [P] - Straight Lead
      Your fastest high, leaves Jacky at advantage even if it's blocked. It has really nice follow-ups, such as P4K and PP6P. P4K is a mid that causes a stagger on crouching opponents, it can also track and give you advantage on CH if P was evaded. PP6P is an high-mid follow-up, you can easily use it even if the first P was blocked cause PP jails (can't be ducked or crushed with a low).
    2. [6][P] - Middle Smash
      Your fastest (safe) mid. As Jacky, you can prefer using P4K instead of the classic P > 6P so you use this in other small advantages. This move also has follow-ups, they're all high but you can hit-check 6P in them if it hits a crouching opponent or if it CHs.
    3. [2][P] - Squat Straight
      The same 2P every character has, Jacky's range is average though.
    4. [2_][3][P] - Smash Upper
      This is a safe mid on block that launches on CH (really high damage on almost everyone in the cast), it's your fastest launcher.
    5. [4][P] - Spinning Back Knuckle
      Half-circular high that covers Jacky's back, really safe if blocked and advantage on any hit. It has two follow-ups to continue pressuring, 4P2P and 4PP. 4P2P is an half circular low, safe on block, advantage on any hit. 4PP is an ex_high, combo starter on CH, brutally tracks if 4P was evaded.
    6. [1][P] - Low Back Knuckle
      Your fastest (safe) low, leaves you at small disadvantage on hit and at advantage on CH. It's unsafe if evaded but it also has an high follow-up that can track (especially if 1P was evaded towards Jacky's front). 1P ducks highs, if it RecoveryCHs you can hit-check it in 1PK to get a knockdown. 1P can also enter SS, not safely though.
    7. [P][+][K] - Beat Knuckle
      Pretty fast mid that has many uses. Its P+KP follow-up starts a combo if P+K hits on Recovery so it's a goo duck > punish move. P+K alone is also a CH launcher on some characters, it's throw punishable if blocked but it still has follow-ups. P+KK is an ex_high, full-circular kick that can also safely (you have the advantage) enter Slide Shuffle if it hits.
    8. [6][P][+][K] - Bil Jee
      Fast, safe on block high. If it CHs Jacky's 6K is guaranteed. Also nice as evade > punish move, especially cause you're at advantage if it's blocked from a ST opponent.
    9. [1][P][+][K] - Dragon Combination
      Pretty fast mid, first of a mid-mid-mid string to apply pressure.
    10. [6_][K][G] - Flash Sword Kick
      Fast half-circular high that covers the opposite direction of 4P. It's a combo starter on NH and CH and you still have the advantage if it's blocked. Its recovery frames are almost non existent so, if you do it alone, you won't get punished.
    11. [4][K][+][G] - Spin Heel Sword
      Jacky's mid launcher on NH, it's slow but it also has a really good range. It's safe if blocked, not if evaded.
    12. [1][K][+][G] - Low Sweep
      Your fastest low (as fast as 1P), not safe if blocked. It's a full-circular that goes under highs, it also has a good range.


    P - Straight Lead(top)


    Jacky's fastest high executing in 12 frames.
    If blocked, Jacky gets a +2 situation in which he can keep pressuring. P gives you higher advantages on NH and CH, +5 and +8 respectively.


    Jacky's P also has mid follow-up.
    P4K causes a stagger on crouching opponents, the stagger doesn't guarantee attacks.
    P4K on standing CH is +5 and Jacky is still close enough to use immediate throws.
    P4K tracks pretty well if Jacky's P was evaded.
    If P4K is blocked you're at -6, still safe but in Nitaku.


    High-high-mid string. This is another tool to apply pressure. PP is a Natural Combo on any hit that also jails if the first P was blocked.
    The 6P in PP6P is the same 6P that leaves Jacky at -5 if it's blocked, at +6 if it hits a crouching opponent on NH and at +7 on CH.
    PP6P has the same follow-ups as 6P.

    [P][P][6][P][K] on Taka

    On any hit, the entire string is guaranteed on Taka.
    The damage Jacky gets is pretty high, the last 6PK doesn't knockdown Taka but leaves Jacky at -2.
    PP6PP is guaranteed as well, it does less damage than PP6PK but it has a mid follow-up that allows Jacky to keep pressuring.
    No delay is allowed if you want the entire string to be guaranteed. If you want to be safe you can throw PP6P, stopping there if it's blocked or hit-check it in the last K if it hits.

    6P - Middle Smash(top)


    Jacky's elbow is actually a 14 frames mid, classed as mid punch.
    6P leaves Jacky at -5 if blocked, at +6 if it hits on crouching opponents and at +7 if it CHs.
    It's already good, fact it has follow-ups only makes it better. If 6P hits a crouching opponent or on CH, Jacky can hit-chack it in 6PK or 6PP.


    Mid-high-mid string.
    6PPP causes a stagger on a crouching opponent and leaves Jacky at +4 on CH. 6PPP is really unsafe if blocked (-16).
    6PPP, being an half-circular that covers Jacky's back, has a pretty wide angle in which it can cause a Wall Side Stun. Here's a video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjBWXtlvpFc&feature=c4-overview&list=UUQdB-JVvFBuPk0hMdMB1aZQ
    It's possible to hit-check 6PP on CH in 6PPP which is also the only situation in which it can't be blocked, if 6PPP gets blocked Jacky is at -16.


    Mid-high-high string.
    If 6P is blocked or hits then 6PP CHs, you can hit-check it in 6PPK.
    6PPK on NH gives Jacky the same advantage 6PP on CH does (+4), however, hit-checking it in 6PPK gives Jacky more damage and the opportunity to enter Slide Shuffle.
    6PPK can also cause a Wall Side Stun that guarantees 6PPK4 SS P or a simle 6K on LW (SS P may whiff if not timed correctly), Jacky stomach has to face the wall. Here's a video example: soon (it's similar to 3KPK)


    Mid-high-low string.
    6PP2K leaves Jacky at -2 on NH and +4 on CH, it doesn't have a real effective use and its reward is pretty low for the risk that Jacky takes when he uses it, if 6PP2K is blocked Jacky is at -16.
    The last kick changes Jacky's foot position.
    6PP2K, being an half-circular that covers Jacky's back, has a pretty wide angle in which it can cause a Wall Side Stun. Here's a video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjBWXtlvpFc&feature=c4-overview&list=UUQdB-JVvFBuPk0hMdMB1aZQ


    High follow-up that knockdowns on any hit, it's really unsafe if blocked (-16) and incredibly punishable if ducked. However, if 6P hits on a crouching opponent or on CH Jacky can hit-check it in 6PK.
    6PK doesn't knockdown Taka, on NH it leaves Jacky at disadvantage (-2), such as 6PP (-4). The difference is that 6PP has mid follow-up to apply pressure.
    If 6PK connects at a certain distance from the wall it can start a Wall Combo.

    4P - Spinning Back Knuckle(top)


    This is a 17 frames high punch that covers Jacky's back, if 4P is blocked Jacky is at -1, if it CHs Jacky is at +6.
    4P also has follow-ups but they're not hit-checkable.
    Another note about the move is that it changes Jacky's foot position.


    Special high follow-up that starts a combo if it CHs. It can also track pretty well if 4P was evaded.
    If the line that characters creates is perpendicular to the wall, 4PP on NH is a combo starter on every character.


    Low follow-up that covers Jacky's back. It's safe if blocked (-4) and gives advantage on any hit (+1, +6).
    4P2P can cause a Wall Side Stun. 4P2P is an half-circular so the angle in which it causes a Wall Side Stun is pretty wide.

    2P - Squat Straight(top)


    Jacky's fastest "low" (special low) executing in 12 frames, the classic low punch every character has.
    It's -5 if blocked and leaves Jacky at +5 on NH and at +7 on CH.

    2_3P - Smash Upper(top)


    15 frames mid punch that launches on CH, Jacky's fastest launcher. The 2_3P can also be input as 33P, if the 33 is not buffered Smash Upper will execute in 16 frames.
    2_3P leaves Jacky at -6 if it's blocked and at +3 on NH.

    1P - Slant Back Knuckle(top)


    Jacky's fastest low, a linear punch executing in 19 frames that leaves Jacky at -4 if it's blocked, at -1 on NH and at +4 on CH.
    From 1P Jacky can enter SS, not safely though.
    1P can cause a Wall Side Stun but the angle in which it will do it isn't as wide as the one in which half-circulars and circulars cause it.


    High follow-up, half-circular that covers Jacky's stomach.
    If 1P was evaded towards Jacky's stomach, 1PK can track high and mid attacks pretty well.
    1PK knockdowns the opponent.
    1PK is a Natural Combo on RecoveryCH and on CH, if 1P CHs it can be hit-checked in 1PK. 1PK can be a Natural Combo on NH but only if 1P hit the opponent which then hit the wall, 1PK can't be hit-checked in 1PK in this situation.

    K - Smash Kick(top)


    Smash Kick is an high kick executing in 15 frames. It's an half-circular that covers Jacky's stomach.
    The follow-up is a mid punch that on CH is hit-checkable in KPPPK which is a guaranteed if the first punch after K CHs, KPPPK knockdowns the opponent.
    KP and KPPP change Jacky's foot position.

    6_KG - Flash Sword Kick(top)


    An high kick that executes in 16 frames and covers Jacky's stomach.
    This move launches on any hit, combos after a NH and a CH can be different though, if 6_KG CHs your opponent will hit the ground faster. If guarded 6_KG leaves Jacky at advantage, +3.
    Without 6_KG the damage Jacky can do with his combos is just a bit above average, with this kick his damage in combos will actually be what makes him one of the strongest characters in VF5:FS.

    6K - High Angle Upper Kick(top)


    This is a mid kick that launches on any hit, it's actually one of the strongest launchers Jacky has.
    If it CHs it can be followed by more damaging combos than if it NHs, if it NHs a crouching opponent Jacky will be able to land only a few hits. On RecoveryCH it can be followed by damaging combos even if the opponent was recovering crouching.
    6K switches Jacky's foot position. Jacky is at -15 if 6K is blocked.

    66K - Dash Hammer Kick(top)


    A mid kick executing in 15 frames, it can be 16 frames if 66 isn't buffered.
    This kick knockdowns on any hit and covers a pretty long range. It's -7 if blocked, -6 if it was blocked from max range.
    66K can also cause a Wall Slump or a Wall Splat depending on the distance from the wall.

    4K - Standing Knee Kick(top)


    A 15 frames mid knee.
    Leaves Jacky at -5 if blocked and gives him advantage on hit, +3 on NH and +7 on CH.
    It has an high follow-up, if 4K NHs or CHs it can be hit-checked in its high follow-up, doing it is easier if 4K CHs.
    4K changes Jacky's foot position.

    [4][K]'s follow-ups

    4KK high follow-up, it leaves Jacky at disadvantage on NH and on CH (-8 and -4).
    4KKK is a mid follow-up that leaves Jacky at -2 on NH and at +4 on CH, it can be hit-checked in 4KKKK on any hit.
    Also, if 4KK CHs it can be hit-checked in the last 2 kicks, the last three kicks of 4KKKK are a Natural Combo if the second CHs.

    44K - Spinning Kick Turn(top)


    An high circular kick executing in 16 frames that covers a long distance.
    This move leaves Jacky at -6 if it's blocked and at +8 on CH, Jacky recovers BT after this move so if it's blocked the opponent will be to his side. If it lands Jacky will be BT and his opponent will be ST.
    44K changes Jacky's foot position.

    3K - Middle Kick(top)


    A 16 frames mid that has a pretty long range.
    If blocked Jacky is at -6 (he has an high punch follow-up though), if it hits a crouching opponent or on CH it'll leave Jacky at +8.
    If it hits an opponent who's backdashing it'll CH and cause a stagger that Jacky can follow with a guaranteed launcher to get a combo.

    [3][K][P][K] (on Taka)

    On any hit, this string is a Natural Combo on Taka.
    3K is hit-checkable in 3KPK on crouching NH and on CH.
    3KPK allows Jacky to safely enter SS.
    3KPK can cause a Side Wall Stun that guarantees 3KPK4 SS P or a simple 6K (SS P may not connect on LW).

    P+K - Beat Knuckle(top)


    A 16 frames mid punch.
    It's -10 if blocked but it has a special high follow-up.
    This move causes a stagger if it hits on NH. The stagger puts some distance between the characters and doesn't guarantee anything but it's hit-checkable in P+K's follow-ups.
    Beat Knuckle launches on RecoveryCH, alone it doesn't start any guaranteed combo if not when opponent's back is near the wall. Still on RecoveryCH, it's possible to hit-check P+K in its follow-up P+KP to start a combo.
    P+K on CH is a combo starter on a limited number of characters, check the Combo List.


    A circular kick, special high follow-up of P+K.
    This gives Jacky advatange on NH (+1) and on CH (+5), from both positions he can safely enter SS.
    This move can produce a stagger that guarantees P+KK4 SS P from certain angulations.

    6P+K - Bil Jee(top)


    A 14f high punch, safe if blocked (-2).
    It guarantees moves of 12 frames on NH or RecoveryCH and moves of 17 on CH.
    In the first two cases you can follow it with the classic P or waste 1/2 frames to use a throw, if you use the throw immediately after 6P+K it'll whiff due to the distance 6P+K put between you and your opponent.
    On CH it can be followed by 6K or by P+KK near the wall (see above).

    2P+K - Chopping Blow(top)


    A really slow mid punch that leaves Jacky at advantage even if it was blocked.
    The advantage is +1 on block, +4 on NH and +6 on CH. The +6 Jacky gets from the CH is not a Nitaku situation as the opponent is recovering in a crouching state.
    2P+K also allows Jacky to safely enter Slide Shuffle, even if 2P+K was blocked. 2P+K is also the only move that allows Jacky to safely enter Side Slide Shuffle, only on NH and on CH though.

    3P+KP+G - Rage of Dragons(top)


    An 18 frames mid punch, an hit-throw in particular.
    It has a really short range but, if you hit 3P+KP+G with the correct timing, it'll give you a knockdown (where the opponent is face down, head towards) and 58/67 points of damage on NH/CH.
    If you don't hit 3P+KP+G with the right timing, 3P+K alone will leave you at -2/+2 on NH/CH.

    1P+K - Dragon Combination(top)


    A mid-mid-mid string, punch-elbow-punch.
    1P+K is 16 frames and leaves Jacky at -6 if blocked, at 0 on NH and at +8 on CH. 1P+KP is a Natural Combo but it's hit-checkable on CH only.
    1P+KP produces a stagger if it hits an opponent in a crouching state on NH or on CH (when he uses a move that has him crouching such as the classic 2P), the stagger can be hit-checked in the last P for a small combo. If blocked, 1P+KP leaves Jacky at -5 while it gives him advantage on CH (+4), 1P+KP on standing CH can't be hit-checked in its follow-ups.
    1P+KPP is a combo starter on CH, it's also unsafe if blocked (-16) and leaves Jacky at disadvantage on NH (-2). If guarded or on NH it pushes the opponent back a good bit.


    The same string as 1P+KPP except the last hit. For example, you can hit-check 1P+KP's stagger in 1P+KPK like you can hit-check it in 1P+KPP.
    1P+KPK is a half-circular high that covers Jacky's stomach. If Jacky and his opponent are near the wall 1P+KPK can produce a Wall Slump on NH or a Wall Splat on CH, Jacky's back needs to face the wall.

    K+G - Spinning Kick(top)


    A really slow circular high (executes in 23 frames).
    K+G on CH gives Jacky a ST opponent and advantage (+9). If guarded K+G leaves Jacky at -8 from closest range but Jacky can still enter SS after it, not safely though.


    When in Closed Stance, if the opponent blocks the first K+G he won't be able to block the second K, the second K causes a knockdown.
    It's not possible to hit-check a blocked K+G in K+GK, that's because the window in which you can input the second K is already closed after K+G's first active frame.
    When opponent's back is near the wall K+GK is unblockable in both Stances, in this situation K+GK causes a Wall Slump that can be followed with small combo.

    6K+G - Groin Kick(top)


    A 17 frames mid kick that starts a combo on CH.
    The kick version of 2_3P is one frame slower and the combo from it does less damage but the disadvantage the move leaves Jacky at if blocked is higher (-8). Of course 6K+G, being a kick, can't be easily Sabaki'ed as 2_3P.

    66K+G - Step-In Kick(top)


    A slow (20 frames) mid kick that covers a really long distance.
    The distance this move covers is a bit less than three dashes. It leaves Jacky at disadvantage on block (-5) but gives him advantage on NH (+4) and on CH (+8) pushing the opponent one dash away. If it hits an opponent facing a wall with his 66K+G will cause a Wall Stagger that doesn't guarantee nothing on paper.
    66K+G can also recover BT (input 66K+G4), frames situation remains the same if it hits but changes if 66K+G4 is guarded as Jacky is at -3 instead of -5.

    4K+G - Spin Heel Kick(top)


    Another slow kick (20 or more) covering a pretty long distance that also launches on NH.
    Because of the number of active frames this move has (4) Jacky can be at different disadvantages if 4K+G gets blocked, it usually leaves Jacky in Nitaku if it gets blocked but from max range it leaves him at -5.
    Even if 4K+G can hit at different frames it closes the distance between Jacky and his opponent, indeed it always leaves him in throw range when it's guarded.

    46K+G - Middle Spin Kick(top)


    A 17 frames circular mid, the fastest in the game.
    46K+G knockdowns the opponent on any hit but leaves Jacky at -15 if it gets blocked. It can cause a Wall Splat if Jacky's back is facing the wall.

    1K+G - Low Spin Kick(top)


    A 19 frames low circular, one of the fastest in the game.
    Jacky's low sweep goes under highs and knockdowns on CH. It leaves Jacky at disadvantage on NH (-4) and is punishable if blocked (-18).
    Near the wall, on NH only, it can cause a Side Wall Stun.


    Slide Shuffle(top)

    Jacky's strongest Stance is entered with the command [4][P][+][K][+][G] or by simply pressing [4] after the strings that can enter it (check the Command List!).

    Slide Shuffle can be used as an offensive or defensive tool. That's because Slide Shuffle's early frames of execution parry mid punches. The punches must be one handed and actual punches, not elbows like Kage's 6P for example.
    This only if Slide Shuffle is entered from point blank; it won't parry if you enter it with [4] after the moves that enter it.
    If Jacky enters Slide Shuffle with the command [4] he will have enoguh advantage to beat a [2][P] only if the move used to do it hit the opponent on NH or CH. As the name suggest Jacky slides back when performing Slide Shuffle so he can use this Stance to make the opponent's move whiff.

    Let's see the moves Jacky's got from it:

    P - Gwa Chuie(top)


    An high punch that gives Jacky advantage on block (+1) and can be followed by Combo Starters on any hit as it's +16 on NH and +18 on CH.
    Very unsafe if ducked or evaded though.

    K - Step-in Back Kick(top)


    A mid kick that covers a very long distance and causes a Stagger if it hits near the wall. It also causes a Side Crumple on NH. Safe if blocked, small advantage on hit but the opponent is always pushed back when this move touches him.
    Very unsafe if evaded.

    2K - Step-in Low Crush(top)


    A low attack that leaves Jacky at disadvantage on any hit.
    Jacky can decide to enter or not SS after it. He has the advantage if SS 2K hits on CH only, not on NH.
    If Jacky blocks after SS 2K was blocked he'll be punishable.

    Let's clear what having the advantage means in relation to Slide Shuffle:
    Jacky has SS P which executes in 15f. SS P beats any high or mid attack any opponent can do after he got hit by SS 2K but it's high so it gets beaten by 2P.
    Jacky's fasted mid from Slide Shuffle is SS P+K which gets beaten by 2P after SS 2K hit on NH as well. Jacky can use SS to make it whiff but that's another story.
    But when Jacky's SS 2K hits on CH he has enough advantage to beat every attack (2P included) the opponent can do.

    Jacky's SS 2K has a follow-up (SS 2KK) that knocks down on any hit. SS 2K isn't hit-checkable in its follow-up on any hit though.

    P+K - Step-in Combination(top)


    A mid punch that gives Jacky advantage on any hit (+1 on NH, +4 on CH), safe if blocked.
    It has a mid follow-up that is a combo starter on any hit, -13 if blocked. SS P+K can be hit-checked in that follow-up on CH.

    K+G - Back Spin Kick(top)


    An high circular kick that knocks down on any hit and leaves Jacky at 0/+3 depending on which frame it connects with the opponent.
    Causes Wall Splat when Jacky's stomach is facing the wall as he's actually near enough to it.



    Jacky's neutral throw does 40 points of damage and switches both characters' side on the ring.
    This throw puts your opponent down and it doesn't allow him to Fall Recovery from that position; he can't perform an In Place Recovery or a Side-Roll Recovery, he can only use rising options.
    P+G puts your opponent down with his stomach facing the ground. From this position, your opponent's Mid Rising Attacks from a rising in place are linear except Lion and Taka's which both have a special animation and cover their stomach, Low Rising Attacks from a rising in place are circular except Akira and Taka's which are linear. The position this throw puts your opponent in also changes the properties of Mid Rising Attacks after a Side Roll or a Back Roll, they're all half-circulars covering opponent's stomach.
    After this throw connects you'll be in Closed Stance.


    Jacky's most damaging throw to sober Shun, it does 50 points of damage, it downs the opponent.
    This throw can push the opponent out of the ring in every stage without a wall except Shrine and Temple that still have a mini wall.
    66P+G doesn't change stace but it changes both characters' foot position. If Jacky was facing the screen with the stomach he'll face it with his back (and vice versa) after this throw connects, same for your opponent.
    It's the only throw that sobers Shun, it does it by 1 point.


    Your opponent can Fall Recovery after this throw knocked him down, because of that the damage this throw does varies. It can also vary near the wall.
    If your opponent doesn't Fall Recovery but stays down Jacky's 3K on a downed opponent is guaranteed. The total damage is 73 points if your opponent stays down.
    If your opponent performs an In Place Recovery or a Side Roll Recovery the throw will be 60 points but if he performs an Exact Recovery the damage will be 50 points.
    If your opponent's back is facing the wall the damage the throw does is 50 points but it allows Jacky to follow it with attacks for a maximum of 95 points on every character.
    46P+G can launch the opponent out of the ring, this happens when you connect this throw on an opponent who has his back near the end of the ring, in every stage without a wall (Shrine and Temple inclused). It's the throw that makes the opponent cover the most long distance if compared to the other throws Jacky has.
    This throw also changes your opponent's Mid Rising Attacks' properties making all of them half-circular, Low Rising Attacks remain circular.
    After this throw connects, you're in Closed Stance.


    This is a 50 points of damage throw that knocks your opponent down, your opponent can't perform a Fall Recovery after this throw connects.
    After this throw connects your opponent is on the ground and he's facing it with his stomach.
    Some of your opponents' Mid Rising Attack from a rising in place remains circular, some becomes half-circular and Kage and Lion's becomes linear. Your opponents' Mid Rising Attack after a Side Roll becomes half-circular covering their stomach.
    This throw can push the opponent out of the ring if you're playing in a stage that doesn't have walls, except Shrine and Temple since those still have a mini wall.
    After this throw connects, you're in Open Stance.


    This throw knocks the opponent down giving you 60 points of damage, your opponent can't perform a Fall Recovery after this throw connects.
    After this throw put your opponent down, his Mid Rising Attacks will be half-circulars covering his stomach.
    64P+G changes stance, you're in Open Stance after this throw connects.
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