VF5FS Lei Strategy

Dec 2, 2024
VF5FS Lei Strategy

  • Introduction(top)

    Lei-Fei is a unique character compared to the majority of the cast. His strength (and weakness) comes from (1) sabakis, and (2) stances, which, it should be mentioned that Lei has 7 sabakis; 5 of them must be executed from a stance. Regarding his stances, Lei can enter and exit certain stances very quickly (1 frame); therefore, he is unlike any other cast member. This unique attribute of his should be realized and utilized to its full potential. (See Stances at the bottom of this page.)


    For review, nitaku is a common situation in VF5FS where one player is -6 up to -9, and the other, by virtue of the former, is +6 up to +9. In this situation, players are required to make an immediate guess. The player in advantage must make a two-way guess to either launch or throw. The idea is: CH beats abare; throw beats evade.

    As with the other members of the cast, Lei-Fei has 3 options when in nitaku (+/-6 to +/-9 frames). Let's go over his disadvantage options.
    The easiest options is to choose one of the following(1)block, (2)evade, or (3)abare.
    Guarding in this situation is the good option however to deal with attack and throw scenarios utilize advance techniques like Lazy Throw Escape Guard to minimize the risk.
    Evading with [8] or [2] will help regain the advantage however if failed you will take counter hit damage.To minimize risk utilize Evading Crouch Dash Throw Escape Guard.
    Lei Fei's Kochouheki [2][3][6][P][+][K] is great in nitaku situations.The move will sabaki elbows,high,and mid [P]. Mix it up with other advance defensive options.

    When Leifei has the advantage in nitaku situations. The [1][P][+][K] is an excellent high risk high reward launcher to snuff out abare. Other attacks include [9][K][+][G],and [9][K]. If your opponent back is against the wall[4][K] and [6][6][P] are safer attacks but give high reward if it Counter hits abare and pushes opponent for wall stagger.

    When your opponent chooses to evade at nitaku disadvantage.
    Offensive movement is a great and sneaky way to cause opponent to fail evade and setup Leifei to utilize Sideturn mixups.
    [6][K] is an excellent option to snuff out evades. When it counter hits it guarantees [K] from Koko Stance.
    If you can read the direction your opponent will likely evade [9]/[3][P][+][K] is a great half circular move.
    Other half circular attacks to use are [8][K][+][G],[6][P],and [6][6][P][+][K].
    You can always keep it simple and beat evades with Leifei's various throws such as [4][1][2][3][6][P][+][G][4][6][P][+][G][2][3][6][P][+][G] and [6][4][P][+][G].

    At smaller advantage/disadvantage (+/-1 to +/-5 frames).
    Several of leifei attacks such as [6][6][P][+][K] on hit -4, [3][K] on guard -5 will leave him at slight disadvantage between -1 to-5. You can try to abare fast attacks such as [P][6][P][P] to snuff out throws and delayed attacks or you play defensively utilizing fuzzy guarding at -4, and crouchdash fuzzy guarding at -5. In addition Guarding lazy throw escape and ETEG are also strong defensive options to regain advantage.

    Utilizing leifei [6][6][P] is great to apply pressure on opponents on guarding and abare opponents. If your opponents tends to abare [2][P] between -1 to -5 quickly enter [8][P][+][K][+][G] to auto parry punch and elbow attacks. You can also backdash and immediately input [1][P][+][K] and launch your opponent as they whiffing their [2][P]

    Many of Leifei 's attacks are mids and his strongest throws are escapable with [6][P][+][G]
    To beat opponents that utilizes crouchdash fuzzy guarding or guarding throw escape, You can use OM and setup leifei side turn game. You can also mix it up with leifei low attacks [6][6][P][+][K] and [2][K] to break their defense. Because your opponent is aware of throw escaping with the[6] [P][+][G]direction. Take advantage of that knowledge and utilize leifei other throws directions [P][+][G] or [6][4][P][+][G]

    Majority of leifei's attack can be evaded from his front side. 2 moves that you can use to dictate an opponents evading is Doku stance [2]/[8][K][+][G] and [3]/[9][P][+][K]. If you know which direction they will evade you can use these moves to attack at the direction of their evade.

    Side Turned(top)

    Leifei has 2 high side turning full circular moves from Kyo [K][+][G] and from Backturned [K][+][G]
    Both moves will force your opponent in a side turned state. If the move counter hits it guarantees Hai [P][P]and leave leifei with small advantage to continue offense.

    After successful OM or successful evade. [4][3][P] counterhit also guarantees Hai [P][P]
    Other options to continue offense is to use [6][K] if it counter hits a side turned opponent(+20) it guarantees koko string [2][K][P][P].

    When [3][P][P][+][K][+][G] and [6][P][P][+][K][+][G] counterhit opponent at side turned guarantees kyo [P][P][P] string and leave leifei at advanatage in hai stance with opponent still side turned.

    For side turn combo starters Doku[P] Bokutai [K], [4][K],and [4][6][6][P][+][K] can cause side crumple for following combos.


    When ending certain combos after bound moves
    use [4][P][P] for high damage
    use [3][P][P] to carry your opponent further towards wall or for ring outs
    use [K][+][G][P] to setup OTG if opponent doesn't tech.

    Wakeup Strategies(top)

    Uramawari setups

    You can force your opponent to rise attack or roll in the opposite direction with the following scenarios.

    For this to work.
    1) you must reposition at 90 degrees --| (between you -- and your opponent | )
    2) opponent must perform an in place mid or low rising attack.
    3) opponent must be in either Face Down, Head Towards (OM to your back) or
    Face Down, Feet Towards (OM to your stomach)

    4) You must use a move that has mid to slightly long-range reach.
    5) If you knock down your opponent in a Face-Up position and your character has a move that beatdown and flips them over to Face-Down when you OTG them.
    You can then reposition at 90 degrees and attempt your move to uramarwari.

    leifei has hai p+k, doku k+g

    Leifei's [K][+][G] will trick the opponent to kick the wrong way if they decide to use in place rising attacks

    Kyo stance [2][K][K] (Face Down, Head Towards)

    Kyo stance [6][P] (Face Down, Head Towards) use [K][+][G] to briefly combo then cancel doku stance with [G]. Use OM to your back to reposition.

    Hai stance [2][K] (Face Down, Head Towards) input [2][6][6] to slightly reposition.

    Doku stance [8]/[2] [K][+][G] (Face Down, Head Towards) input [2][6][6] or [8][6][6] to slightly reposition.

    Nehan Stance [2][K] (Face Down, Head Towards) input [2][6][6] to slightly reposition.

    Backturned [2][K] (Face Down, Head Towards) input [6][6] to reposition.

    [1][K][+][G] (leg collapse) [8][6][6] then [3][K] [K][+][G][P] (Face Down, Feet Towards) Hai [P][+][K] then [8] OM

    When using against TAKA substitute [K][+][G] with [K] after you otg flip him over and reposition.

    After the Opponent bounces off the wall hit and lands head down faced down. Dependent on character weight. You may need to fail evade or OM to your back to reposition.


    LeiFei has many attacks including from stance that can crush your opponent's rising attack if timed properly.
    Here's a list of
    1.[6][6][K][+][G] can crush both mid and low rising kick and goes into Koko stance.
    2.[8][K][+][G] (or from Bokutai [K][+][G])can crush both mid and low attacks and in addition it has special properties to avoid low rising attacks.
    3.[6][6][K]hold guard to doku stance. Slightly trickier due to its low active frames however it can crush rising attacks and cause opponents to stagger leaving an opening to Doku [P][+][K] hit[P][+][G] or doku [K][+][G].
    4. [4][K] can crush mid and low rising attacks and cause push back on counter hit.

    5. Bokutai stance [K] is a slow mid [K] with some evasive properties to avoid mid rising attacks. In addition if timed right it can also crush both mid and low rising [K] and cause push back on counter hit.
    6. Hai stance to Bokutai can avoid mid rising attacks. Once the mid rising attack whiffs following up with Bokutai [P][+][K] to launch for combo.
    7. Hai [K] will crush both mids and lows rising attacks and launch for a combo.
    8. Suirakan [P][+][K] has special evasive properties avoid low attacks and crush both mid and low rising attacks.
    9. Suirakan [K][+][G] will crush mid rising attacks and avoid lows
    10. Nehan [K] although slow has great range, crush rising attacks and staggers on hit.

    Leifei can also use nehan stance to bait a half circular mid rising attack and sabaki it.
    For example, after opponent recovers from a leg collapse or after [6][4][P][+][G] with head towards, feet away. Go into nehan stance use [P][+][K] or [P] will neutralize the half circular mid rising [K].
    Another option is to go into koko stance and use [P] . It will sabaki the half circular mid rising [K] causing a head collapse and followup with a combo.

    OTG Moves(top)

    These moves will re-bounce or flip your opponent over when opponent is lying facedown on ground.
    example after kyo[2][K][K] or combo ending with kyo [K][+][G]. Use these moves to hit opponents that get knockdown and don't techroll.
    1. [3][K]
    2. Hai [P][+][K] (Heavy stomp afterward if opponent doesn't perfect tech)
    3 [6][6][K]
    4. Doku [K][+][G]
    7. Hai [P][P][+][K]

    For opponents that techroll away or front in these situations
    A solid move to continue offense is [9]/[3][P][+][K]. If timed right it will hit your opponent at the end of their techroll while they are in a crouching state and cause a stagger.

    For opponents that techroll in place there are several good options move to resume offense
    1. Doku [P]
    2. Kyo [P][+][K] guard break

    Option selects between attack or down attack

    Ring Position(top)

    Wall Pressure(top)

    The following moves can cause wall staggers and side wall staggers

    [6][6][P] when the opponent is behind facing the wall
    [6][6][P][+][K] when parallel to the wall. foot position back side
    [8][K][+][G] when parallel to the wall foot position back side
    [6][K] when parallel to the wall. foot position front side
    [4][K] counter hit push when the opponent is behind facing the wall
    Doku[P] when the opponent behind facing the wall
    [6][P][+][K][P][P] from an angle
    [6][P][P] when the opponent is behind facing the wall.
    Suirankan [P] when the opponent is behind facing the wall.
    [8][K] when parallel to the wall. Foot position Front side.
    [1][K][+][G] opponent behind facing the wall.
    [9]/[3][P][+][K][P] from an angle
    [2][K][+][G] when parallel to the wall. foot position front side

    How to induce, and follow-up, wall side stuns

    Ring Out(top)

    Ideal ways to ring out over half fences
    Ending combos with [4][P][P] provides more damage.
    Ending combos with [3][P][P]and [K][+][G][P] can ring out opponent from small fence
    Ideal combos that carry good distance (for ring out)
    utilizing [6][P][+][K][P][P] and [P][6][P][P] after combo launcher to move opponent farther.


    Leifei's bokutai evasive properties can duck under Kage [6][6][P][+][K][+][G], and side mid k. It is vulnerable to low throws.
    Against Taka go into Doku stance[8][P][+][K][+][G]to auto parry his punch rising attacks
    Use Leifei [9]/[3][P][+][K] to attack opponents evading habits.[9][P][+][K] for away, [3][P][+][K] for towards
    When using leifei Doku [2][K] stagger. if opponents stagger recovers fast Hai[P][P] will connect otherwise if they don't it will whiff.
    When using leifei Doku [2][K] stagger. if opponents stagger recovers slow Hai[K] will connect and launch opponent.


    Hai stance [2][P][+][K][+][G]
    An offensive type stance that has many powerful attacks used in combos, and to pressure offense.

    Doku stance [8][P][+][K][+][G]
    A balanced type of stance that auto parries p and elbow attacks, useful in combos, and pressure offense.

    Zenten roll from Doku [6][P][+][K][+][G]
    Offensive type of stance that forces the opponent to guess between a catch throw or combo starter. Useful again opponents that tech roll or to close distance.

    Koko Stance from normal stance [6][K]
    A defensive stance that utilizes 2 of leifei's mid and low sabakis

    Kyo stance from normal stance [6][P],[3][P],[6][P][+][K][P]
    Another offense-type stance was introduced in VF5FS. Useful in side turn situations and combos.

    Suirakan Stance From Nehan[2][2]
    Offense type stance that can be used in various situations

    Nehan Stance[1][P][+][K][+][G]
    Another Defensive stance useful to distance leifei, sabaki attacks.

    Bokutai [2] from hai stance
    A balanced stance when used can avoid mid attacks and counter to continue offense.
    when parallel to the wall. foot position front side

    Unique Stance defense situation(top)

    Stance transition Throw escape Doku Auto Parry
    similar to performing a reversal throw escape with Aoi but your utiziing leifei unique auto parry combined with throw escaping.

    During the stance transition from Kyo to Doku, you can execute a throw escape command while transitioning to Doku auto parry. This can help neutralize a possible throw attempt and auto-parry linear punches, elbows, and low punches.
    [6][P][P][+][K][+][G][8][P][+][K][+][G], or [3][P][P][+][K][+][G][8][P][+][K][+][G]

    After pressing [8][P][+][K][+][G] while holding [P][+][G] and release [K] then input optional direction [6] or [4] to escape forward or back throw

    you can also use this stance throw escape technique with [K][2](Bokutai)[8][P][+][K][+][G]
    or during Koko to hai stance evade transition with a throw escape with
    [6][K][8] or [2][P][+][K][+][G]

    Stance cancel guard or evade.
    Observing Kubinashi Rider on his stream one day I noticed a subtle tactic he used.It was another layer to dealing with the low or mid guessing scenario after [P][6][P][P] is guarded

    After [P][6][P][P] is guarded 0 on block.
    You can immediately cancel hai stance with [G] and press [G] again to either guard or [2] or [8] to evade moves starting with 14f exe and up.

    You can cancel hai stance with [G] and guard highs, mids or low attacks up to 14 frames. You have to commit to guarding either the high/mid or low. You can use this knowledge to bait out and guard/ or evade lows kicks or low launchers like Lion 1k, Brad's 1p.

    Moves 13 frames or less will hit Leifei as he cancels hai stance. However, you will need to use hai [P] to defeat those highs and mid between 11-13f exe.
    As for the low [P] use stance transition hai to doku immediately instead.
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