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Arya from That Blasted Salami (TBS) in collaboration with WIreman, Seidon, and Blessy, created short overviews for all 19 characters in VF5US. Check out these videos to help you find a character that meshes with your style or to see if the description in the video matches with your opinion on a character.
I think it is safe to say that outside of Japan, many players have had trouble finding matches quickly or have trouble finding people that you have a good connection with. Here, we are trying to make it easier for fellow VF players to network and play online.
In a joking manner, Hima Jean tweeted "My connection tells me get a pen instead of an arcade stick lol". He has indeed figuratively taken to the pen this past week. He has written a couple VF-related articles for his newly formed blogs: Underground (Blog written in English) and on (blog written in Japanese).
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On Sunday 5 December 9 PM Japan time there'll be an all-female team tournament. This special exhibition tournament, organised by @Tetsuko_Yamada, will feature 4 teams consisting of 5 players, facing off in a Round Robin format. Prizes are up for grabs and the event will be streamed so be sure to tune in and show your support!
Many of the events, but not all (apologies!) that occurred from August 6 to August 23. Whether the event is offline or online, small or large, please share your events that you organized, participated in, or watched!
VF5US Version 1.10 has been released which includes a new Team Battle mode, stage setting feature in Room matches, simultaneous matches for League and Tournament modes, a new color for Side Counter Hits and, oh yeah, new VFDC titles!
The first European qualifying event for Global Showdown has been announced. This event will be the first of four events to enable participants to qualify for the offline invitational event, VF Global Showdown, happening in Scotland during Quarter 4 2022. The event is being organised by Blessy, NYCFurby and VFHarpooneer.
You look at the online ranking ladders in Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown and majority of the top ranking players are from Japan. For those of us who do not follow the Japan VF scene, those names might lack any meaning to you. On twitter, Hima Jean started a series to introduce the people behind those names.
The good news, we have lots of organized VF events. The bad news - I can't keep up with all of them! Events with results and/or videos that occurred during July 21 - July 25, 2021 are listed in chronological order.
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Thanks to everyone who previously contributed to Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Feedback thread. Much of that feedback has already been passed onto the development team, and obviously some things have already been implemented or fixed. Now, we have another opportunity to collate some feedback to the team so please review the current list and add what you think is missing! Also, SEGA have put out a survey inviting all player to submit additional feedback. There are some very specific questions about the netcode and your online experiences with lag, so be sure to tell them what you really think!
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