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Global Showdown is an international community-organized event by Blessy (Europe), Harponeer (America), and Tetsuko Yamada (Japan) to gather VF players around the world for a 2-day event. After multiple setbacks, the event finally took place on December 9-10 at LevelTap in Liverpool, UK. On day 1, players participated in a single elimination tournament and team battle exhibition. The main event, a double elimination tournament, took place on day 2, with Shiwa winning it all!
According to Chizai Watch--a site that tracks patents, designs, and trademarks applications from the Japan Patent Office--SEGA applied for the trademark VF3tb online.NET on November 14, 2023. As for what service or goods the logo is intended for: home use; video game console; mobile; computer; are some of the terms listed.
It has been thirty years since the worldwide release of Virtua Fighter. When did you started your journey with VF? Have a memorable story with the game or the community? Let us celebrate the 30 years of Virtua FIghter reminiscing the good times and hoping for more good memories to come! Everyday, VFDC will also be giving away VF5US DLCs or VF5US game+DLC bundles. Check out the thread for more details.
In the gameplay trailer for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, it was revealed that Virtua Fighter 3 Team Battle will be playable within the game (4 min 37 sec mark). Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is releasing on January 26, 2024 - Akai
VF5US is an official tournament of Combo Breaker 2023. Since VF5US was released, it is the largest offline VF5US tournament in the United States with more than 60 players registered for the tournament. The Top 16 will be streamed on Sunday, May 28th. Stream info and brackets are listed in this post.
Last Updated on March 16, 2023. Season 1 of the Challenge Cup series culminates with the Pro Championship event on March 19, 2023. 7 JeSU Pro Licensed Virtua Fighter players will compete for the grand prize of 1,000,000 Yen with the Runner-up receiving a prize of 300,000 Yen.
The major announcement for this weekend, is that Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown (known as Virtua Fighter eSports in Japan) will be a main title game at EVO Japan 2023. Not a side tournament game, but a main tournament game!
The "Uramawari Setup" causes the fighter's rising attack from the ground to strike in the wrong direction. For a while now, VFnumbers have been testing different ways for his main character Lei Fei to cause this quirky situation. Now he has made a series of short videos, showing how the entire cast can cause the uramwari!
Virtua Fighter Official Twitter account posted a character usage rate pie chart for Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown. The most used characters are Jacky, Akira, and Sarah. Here's the pie chart with names translated to English for anyone interested in the recent "statistics day" celebration.
This video from @Khanage contains information about every single release of Virtua Fighter 5 in chronological order. From the first location test in 2006 to the most recent release - Ultimate Showdown in 2022, nothing is left uncovered!
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