
Viewing only articles categorized with "Event".

Czech Arcade International is this year's major Czech Fighting Games tournament which takes place on the weekend from 8th to 10th August 2014. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is on the cards, and foreign players are expected from Germany, Austria, Poland and more! This is shaping up to be the largest VF5FS tournament in Europe this year, so don't miss out!
The Time is Near:
New York City. The landmarks, the lights, the pizza, the guard break of doom. Now, you can be there, celebrating your love of Virtua Fighter! NYG9 is coming August 15 - 17.
Check out this interview with ShinyBrentford, featured at firm-guide.com:


It's ShinyBrentford, so you know it's gonna be interesting.

Big E Gaming is proud to announce Winter Brawl VII at the amazing Holiday Inn – Stadium Hotel.

02/23/2013 – 02/24/2013
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