Did the beginner/intermediate/advanced recommendation graphic get removed? My search lacked the results of it.
If you are fan of RSS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS), you can subscribe the channel via...
Friendly advice 1. the site performance could be boosted in future (especially the page with frame data, that main goal is data, all...
OFF-TOPIC If so, maybe he will sing :) ナニヤドヤラナニヤドナサレノナニヤドヤラ (source: https://thiaoouba.com/herai/)
It's kinda late like for Sunday? :) or i checked it wrong.. it's something like 1am Monday in Poland :) The time would be ok, if it's Satruday....
Does it make sense to group new Tiger Step moves and merge redundant comments into one, something like
I'll be happy if it lands on PS4 + i'm happy VF has expanded ground to PC \o/ Awsome news
> 2.0 gameplay update - backdash counter made stronger with removal of stagger I think. I can get an Offensive Move into a NH Side Crumple (~37...
i hope new stuff come to VF5US. It can be paid (for those who are able to pay :) ). Actually, i'd like to support VF & Sega with money, but it...
Me too. I only play VF :) high five
"the source code is not pretty" this is the most common phrase right after "it works for me/on my machine" :) so relax this is how things work,...
This is awesome. How is the video to data conversion done? I saw OpenCV reference in the source code. Is it the tool used or something else?
\o/ \o/ yay mega super cool awsome OMG \o/ \o/(y) Sega is great :)
I'm grateful for the advice. The shoutbox is OK (although for most of the time it's as popular as the VF Simplex room ;)) I'm open source guy. I...
OMG, LuckyPlentitude visited the room and has left. Huge gain of popularity for the room ^_^ AWESOME [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.