Thanks a lot. I had made the search, but I searched for "d+p+k" and the thread uses "d+k+p", I suppose that's why I didn't find it. [img]
I kind of understood that this "stance" (d+P+K or u+P+K) was a sort of protection against low kicks, but I can't find a way of using it right. I...
No cheating here, but I think there are devices that allow you to send your PS2 saves to your PC, so it must be possible to upload some of your...
Keep P+K pressed during the whole loading of the first level (white screen).
Ghaleon, feignant, tu pourrais faire l'effort d'aller sur les threads anglophones ! [img]
Of course it is, just play in Vs mode. You can either have your player file on one memory card and your AI file on another, or you can swap the...
It seems like we had the same idea. [img] I also converted my DC arcade stick for PS2, and it's perfect for VF4. The only problem is that I had to...
I have another question about the AI. I noticed that the AI character can learn moves or techniques during a fight against a similar character...
You're right... it's not really important. [img] Too bad we couldn't hear Chai say "I don't make it a habit to fight the youngsters..." [img]
I don't want to spoil anything, but you shouldn't expect much from the Lan Di confrontation in Shenmue2... [img] But you have another boss fight...
I think there are more similarities than stance alone. During the final fight on the harbour, he gave me a few of typical Lion throws (especially...
His style is quite similar. But there is a real Lau-clone in Shenmue2 (exactly the same movelist), as well as clones of Sarah, Wolf and Jeffry....
By the way, do you know if the difficulty settings in the game options has any influence on kumite difficulty ? They say it does in the menu, but...
Separate names with a comma.