Is Brad's DM P+K the only way to punish Wolf players who spam 2p? I'm having trouble with people who spam it over and over then go into either a...
Isn't it a little easy to break out of if all you have to do is wiggle out of it, or is there something I'm missing? I've seen high level players...
GGs Plague!
Getting back into VF5 again... need more player matches! GT= Bodom Soldier
Yeah my problem is Brad's is butt slow in close range and the only real punishing attack seems to be 6p+k which misses half the time after an...
I'm finding everytime I evade, I don't have anything real big to punish with Brad. Mostly I just go for an elbow but sometimes canned strings...
Picking up Kage and wanted to know who I should watch... any suggestions?
Anyone have names or links? I've seen a few Brad's on youtube but the vids never have their names.
GT- Bodom Soldier Issaquah, Washington
Ahh thanks! What Shun's essential counter hit moves/juggle starters?
I've never played Shun before, was just seeing if I could use the VF5 faqs to get started.
Separate names with a comma.