Guys/girls..Looking to get some games on PS3. Just add msg/add me ChinTitan.
the VF4 (4, Evo, FT) is probably regarded as the most balanced of the VF series and having the latest version of the series ported to consoles...
Deciding to use a stick now. what are the best options out there? feedback would be appreciated (send to inbox).
just saw those videos at the top. lol he messages not to dc then does so himself wat a chief.
ggs to kylevf ;) (i love playing against ur vanessa, brings out the best in me) and also to flawed-by-design got a good kage and jacky goin there :).
ggs to makilesushi (I always fall for the crush jaw :(), parisC, (hate ur shun) and jinks81 from a couple of days ago.
ggs to kyleVf never seen u before but your vanessa is very aggressive. ggs to G-Blow, darksoul, and a few others i played last night. :)
nice video. I wonder if these are all true combos. I will test them and see who they will/wont work on too
whenever Im on just msg me, tho I need to hit the dojo
GGs last night to P_Rep, Namerai(sp?), G-BLOW, and MakiLesushi (hope to get some vane mirrors in some time)
Here's a wall combo I found: [1][K]+[G] (walll stagger) [4][3][P]+[K] (wall...
Getting back to learning vanessa (my main)
good games to everyone I ran into in ranked last night, Elite, Mykester, Akai_JC, unicorn_cz, Jaidin and whoever else I met, was fun, need to...
That awkward moment when ur opponent accidentally rings themselves out while they're whopping ur butt *erm yeah*.
Reterded? Strong word, I did give him the benefit of the doubt. It can happen to anyone.:)
Separate names with a comma.