Might as well just look up Yun from SF... without the divekick or Genei Jin.
So, guess who's the final boss of Sega's new moe/animu fighter....
Except the problem is that sites like Kotaku report only on the negative things and the multitude of positive things that the community does is...
It's like what happened a few months back at CEO. Instead of focusing on how awesome the event was (as CEO always is), Kotaku decides to focus on...
K sticks actually have a larger deadzone than other JP sticks. One of the reasons we recommend them for 3D is due to how much easier it is to get...
Taiwanese, not Korean. I did a review of these for Shoryuken complete with actual decibel level tests....
Arcade FightStick Korean Edition review. http://shoryuken.com/2013/10/18/shoryuken-review-mad-catz-arcade-fightstick-korean-edition/
If you want more, we compiled together a round up in SRK from stuff our friends at FreeStepDodge put up....
Day 0 video round up from folks lucky enough to get the game early. http://shoryuken.com/2013/09/02/dead-or-alive-5-ultimate-day-0-video-round-up/
Technically, Fantas still have a gate. The difference is that they're positioned above the microswitches (usually as part of the housing) and not...
MadCatz Arcade FightStick Korean Edition, for those who don't want to have to mod their existing shizz. [img]...
Except even the devs have admitted to the fact that the know that the players never really play their games the way they originally want them to....
Alot of people are going to take issue with calling alot of the older classics examples of bad design, especially considering that games like 3S,...
The thing is, GG, P4, etc. all have layers upon layers of systems and tools built upon them. SF in general has less universal tools and in general...
New vids. TN's Hayashi and Shimbori going up against Katagiri and Takayuki from Sega-AM2....
Separate names with a comma.