i saw that but what does "OM to back" mean and why does the 46K not connect after (LD)KK:(
what is the best juggle besides 46K-1P-3P+KP? because im not able to do this combo=(
im new and need help to become a monster with brad:) my GT: DieKrake
character choice im totally new to virtua fighter and a former doa player i ll qualify for the national team of germany and still have about 3...
sry but where can i find the combos section^^
i think im going to try two out of these ones: akira goh kage lau lei-fei vanessa ive only see how they look like but i know that i have to see...
i wanna have my broken xbox back to start playin the demo=(
you are talking to a big community on doacentral and get all the information you want to
okay seems to be a bit like my doa-career^^ ehm are there any good forums like doacentral for doa!? sry for my many comparisions with doa;)
meine xbox is gestern krepiert un hab auch absolut keine erfahrung in virtua fighter aber kannst mich ja n bisschen vermöbeln un ich dich...
i will be new to virtua fighter when it releases for xbox360! i played doa4 on somekind of highlevel and just wanted to ask if there is somekind...
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