Buyadawo no thats a forward motion , and that thing is a move from the Chang Cuan form , I think . no hands are involved in it , you lroll...
Jebus , watch olympic style gymnastics , or a cheerleader contest on ESPN2 . You leap up into the air , fall backwards onto your hands sort of pop...
I was running a Lei up to second dan to give my A.I. that I just started some items for free , so I could play dress-up . in the process of doing...
Definately . Big D is just as worthy of a saection , if not more . Think of it this way , whom is in need of more discussion and unveiling than...
Rythmic - I Am a professional drummer , and I use timing tricks , and off colour rythmic patterns to baffle opponents , I also can very easily...
No one is going to give theirs up until its BEAT , ad there are FAR better sticks out there , for the exact same price I tried all of the...
It's DEFINATELY reading your INPUT , and not the graphical OUTPUT that the other player would have to . Not to mention that I want to KICK one...
While playing I find that I cannot pull moves in the rapid succession that are nececarry to fight effectively , even if I could pass the training...
Some ppl have GREAT difficulty using all of the shoulder buttons , and in case you cant affoard a GREAT one (and why buy crap ?) , I have come up...
I have big old hands , so I think that that is DEFINATELY a strong contributing factor , but while playing I find that I cannot pull moves in the...
I LIVE in PGH , but I shan't be back in town for a tad , as I am making my meager living on the road . When I return I should be happy to lug my...
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