If someone knees, and you want to break it, you have to hit 2G right? Should I keep mashing 2G or hold it down?
If I could find it I wouldn't be asking. Edit: He's hitting [img] [img] [img] [img] and then hitting [img] [img] so fast that I didn't notice...
This is probably a stupid question but I'm watching this Shu video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVDs08cDk14 At the beginning of the second...
Yeah I'm sure the devs accidentally implemented a save system and accidentally made the balloon trick and accidentally made it controllable rather...
Anyone who plays Lei Fei should shoot themselves with an aids bullet.
Most people just do it because you can. I mean what else are you going to do? Stand there and wait the several seconds for the next round to...
Sloppy mess? What does that even mean? You start mashing? What's so complex in VF that isn't in SC, and how do they improve gameplay? Your...
That's absolutely ridiculous. Maybe you're thinking of DOA? I can't imagine how anyone who's even mildly decent at SC could say something like that.
I'm just looking for a quest item list that tells you what item is available from what task. Brown hair - 2nd orb, blue shirt -...
My point was it's slightly difficult to search for when you look at it from the perspective of any random newb just trying to find a video thread.
That's hysterical. The very same guy who critiqued my thread title made the thread I was searching for with an even more generic title. [img]...
I actually had more questions but I couldn't think of them at the time. Speaking of which, is there a thread with videos of good matches? I...
How do you avoid ground attacks ( [img] [img]) ? I've tried standing and I get hit, I've tried tech rolling and I get hit, I don't get it...And...
Separate names with a comma.