Plague - I got yr phone msg... thx for invite but I'm outta town :-( Have fun for me, and one day I'll show up outta nowhere and surprise you =]...
OK, this one might even draw me out of the woodwork =] Fear my totally atrophied, not-that-great-to-begin-with, haven't even played VF5-yet skillz!
Isn't the OS throw (knee to the head with potential followup) a low throw - so [2]+[G+]+[P]+[K], not [2]+[G]+[P]? I'd like to know some...
I think this is a good point, and it's summarizing a feeling I've been having recently about taking my VF to "the next level". I'm a reasonable...
scared huh? =] Just kidding - I know it was late notice! Next time we'll be more organized. cam.
PM me for details cam.
Re: SOCAL alive and well: Saturday the 4th Heh, that was fun thx Plague. It was col that Austin (Akira) and Forrester (Pai/Shun) got to see a...
Re: SOCAL alive and well Just letting you know that I and a subset of TEAM PANDEMIC will be coming along tonight: there's me, Austin (Akira),...
*dries tear* Man I'm amazed you guys still count me in [img] I never play except with TEAM PANDEMIC!!! =]
Re: SoCal alive and well Heya Plague, Good to speak to you this morning. Just a quick update. I know I've been off the scene for a long time,...
unbelievable. I knew I'd be missing out, but I didn't realize how much I'd be missing out. Now I'm sad [img] Anyway, here's what I was up to:...
ha, sure, I'm sure that would be popular with her. "Take a photo! Weddings... I've seen 'em" Still, I swear I'll play with you guys again one...
dude, you think *you* have no time. It's now looking like I'm gonna have to cancel my tournament registration. I *might* be able to come and watch...
This is definitely how VF1 Kage would play. I played VF1 almost exclusively single player, so he did this to me a lot. Annoying, but very funny...
Separate names with a comma.