As long as you and I can still vote Kerry can still get elected. Condi's big day was a bit overshadowed by the recent hell unleashed in Iraq....
I want you to know I've changed my stance on this game and I seriously want it. I tried it the other day at my local import shop and it really is...
This picture stolen from Juex France. It looks cool but says nothing: [img]
What have they done to Jacky? He looks like David Spade... if it is final tuned then Akira should permanently have a mullet.
I'll probably get it. I'll consider it MGS directors cut. Maybe Gamespot should compare the cut scene length between the new MGS and MGS 2.
More buttons so you can play Metal Slug 3 with it and Soul Caliber 2. Get the Hori one, order from Play do it now.
Wow gackt gets cooler and cooler. This really isn't too much like Dynasty Warriors, which I do like. It has its own style. If you have modded...
Re: Any sites for GGX2? It appears as if is haveing some funding problems.
Capcom was lazy. Such a shame... a good review right here.
I tried the demo in OPM and almost broke my neck because of the camera. The action was good but not having really gone all Shinobi crazy I was...
Not as long as we can vote against him, will Bush have a chance. Anyway hate Bush you might enjoy !
Insert Credit will be reviewing it soon I think. Anyway I hear its pretty cool. If you collect coins you can unlock cool special features. Also...
Hey that sounds really good. I'm kind of confused as to how it works though?
Separate names with a comma.