Wu-wu-wu-wu-represent Austria (a really rare case of good Austrian rap): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da7uBl6KFew
English Frank, formerly known as Frantic Frank. Found that guy yesterday and his first mixtape 'The Hardway' is fire [media] [media]
I heard the controller, to be precise the touchpad, is unresponsive? A friend at college told me that you have to apply rather much pressure for...
Nice videos Seminasuke, I will add them in the combo list.
Ah nice. I have to take some time getting back into VF - your information is very good. Seems either I fought against slow Lei's or my memories...
To stop the common 'dance' moves I sabaki whenever I can. If the opponent uses the same strings over and over it gets pretty easy to adapt. For...
Thanks guys, I have three hours of college tomorrow and after that I can finally test combos too.
Great work Leonard, I will put them in the combo list here. Are the stances based on the situation before or after the launcher hits in your list?...
Thanks for writing these down Modelah!
Hitman Absolution is great, don't listen to the hate
Krater (how Diablo 3 should've been)
On knockdown, if the opponent doesn't techroll and goes for a rising attack I like to backdash and do :3::3::P:. I'm saying that just to emphasize...
El Slender I wanted to bust through the commandlist in no time, too
Sometimes you just get that unstoppable Lucha Libre flow going and your opponent just doesn't know what to do. I also got a player put down his...
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