So after a few hundred games, one may mash himself through the DANs to the first named rank - Hunter. However, some people (like me) may find that...
I have quite the opposite experience - all the years of playing all kinds of games with mouse and keyboard, I use thumb for crouch (or sprint),...
I think you are confused. The sex symbol of VF is Taka-Arashi. Women dig these guys in Japan.
Seems like you can call airstrikes and even catch a stray bullet... oh well. At least no nukes and fireballs.
I am no expert, but I used to play a lot of VF1, VF2, and some VF4 Evolution in PS2 emulation on PC - with keyboard, so I suppose it's similar...
PSN: Kamamura_CZ Location: Czech Republic Main: Jeffry, but I am considering Taka I play all the time ;-)
I have started with a "just grab it" intuitive grip, but I have realized that certain direction is always "less ready" since I was shifting the...
But you got EXCELLENT in the first round, no? Anyway, I was happy to see Jeffry represented at all, after the bad rep he is getting everywhere in...
Amazing matches, feast for the eyes. I thought I learnt something from watching them, so I immediately went online and lost a few matches in a...
Sebo does not seem to agree with you, check the "Mariner strength" thread:
Pick Jeffry, seriously. He is very good, because: 1) He looks dumb. Hell, he may even be dumb, but that's good, because people will underestimate...
The Grip of Doom seems good when you want to rip the stick from the base in a fit of rage and drive it through the other player's eye.
on CH is on counter-hit, right? What exactly does it mean, does the opponent have to try to attack, or must the middle [P] register as CH to be...
There are two techniques I just can't perform reliably - TKoD and Buzzsaw kick. No matter what I do, it comes randomly like 1 in 20 attempts. Any...
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