About the gamepad trouble with buffering in throws... I mash. I mash like a bastard to get TTE's all the time. That, and I simply memorized the...
Hmmm... I've racked up about 3000 fights with Goh so far, about 2/3 of that is against people (console only) and I am still very much a newbie, so...
Re: Mini analysis. "Whoring" is essentially you being stupid enough to fall for it or being too incompetent to counteract it (I still have issues...
Mini analysis. Graphics: Soul Calibur beats VF4:Evo hands down for flashiness and flair. Control: VF4:Evo wins on the technical side (I've...
Re: Jeff and Goh Dash to sglplm? Sounds standard and effective... Quick question then... can Lei Fei sabaki it from his Koko Shiki? I remember...
Yes... yes... and probably. GGX2 is the deepest 2D fighter I've played in ages. Much like VF, it's really difficult for different skill levels to...
Babeeeee..... baby back ribs........ BARBECUE SAUCE!!!!1!!!!!! U R DA SUXX0r!
This seems to be taken directly from Tatics Advice for Brad in-game....
You is teh suck!11!!!!! Jeffry is pitiful! Goh is da rulez! ....you know we're talking about the characters AS THEY ARE. If you gave anyone some...
I like it 'cause I get a hard on from getting my ass kicked. ....Seriously though, balance, graphics, non-flashiness (I use Goh... very...
I think my friends (the ones who live nearby anyway and play Evo without groaning... too much) and I are asking for abuse: I've played VF...
I think KiwE meant that you should play it on a PS2 for a long time before you go on and on... which isn't all that nice. I was playing Evo for a...
I personally blame his missing the LP with Aoi all the time to bad timing (but since he is pretty damn good at just about any other fighting...
Well... a lot of Goh players seem to use the LP too much -- but they suck and usually lose -- (which seems to piss my Aoi user / friend off a lot...
See CreeD's guide to Goh. Regarding Pai: she's awesome! The only issue I have is getting into Bokutai is kinda slow (the safest move I've found...
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