I always wanted to know if there is a star player list What you had to do to become one and what you gain from sega, or even as a title in the game
Hey vfnumbers, the game run well with all those players in the same lobby? Some of them even had mics
I don't mind the 30 seconds at all, considering that you can change your character or custome while the timer runs, plus if this makes the netcode...
I'f Im ground I had to guess one of the 3 directions of the ground throw or this are not techeable?
I set same area and play against people from the states I think Never faced a south american
Like a good friend told me, a good reversal character is the one which only use the reversal at the precise moment, and not even looking to use...
SF IV ranking system is great imo, I love how it works in japanese arcades and online it does well to show the level of said player with said...
I was intended to use 2, but I tried 3 and I loved it, never expected it to be that good
VF1 and VF2 models for everyone Where I could find videos of final tuned with this models?
I would have loved a better explanation on how to attack rather than defensive tools
Well, now the the game has been released and I hadn't played in years, I feel like I don't know the game, so it will be cool if someone could help...
Actuall, that means that the game will be avaliable for download until that day EDIT: I could explain how this will work guys, if you buy new a 3...
Can I renew my suscription before this expires?
http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/06/05/e...e-games-in-june THE FUCK?
Separate names with a comma.