If you can get enough people blackula then i'll make arrangements to come on out.
I got the name when because i would "slingshot" the ball's in beer pong, at least that's what my buddy's say. Then someone shouted slingshotjones...
Well i know for sure that if we get something going, I can grab antlive5000 (went to high school with him) and maybe I'll be able to find someone...
I'm curious to know how much the final product cost, if I can afford it you very well might have just inspired me to make one of these myself.
Do you guys down south ever do any gathering? Or do you guys all carpool and go to chief's house on the weekends?
where do you guys usually gather, and when?
I'm curious are any of you guys located around Yorktown? I'd like to find some good players to play offline (or online i don't care).
thanks for the input you 2, looks like i'm gonna use a square gate.
well are 2d fighters still playable with square gates, or will it be impossible to do moves constantly. What about vf with the octagon gate? I...
I'm looking into getting a slim arcade stick for from http://www.arcadeinabox.com and I really need help deciding which gate would be better....
Separate names with a comma.