A pleasure to be back :D
Same here
Hi there, I'm interrested as I mentionned before. I'll try to take the full week as vacation in Amsterdam with some friends of mine and finish my...
If you can establish a date rather soon, I might plan to come as well...
Konjou sucks anyway.
That's it ! Go out !
*StarNab is mad at tonyfamilia*
AH ! At last Bad games posts.
Good ! Anyone is still welcome
Well communication around that event WAS the main problem. I heard about it through some XBLFriend last week. I'm not even the organizer of this...
Je fais un peu de publicité au cas où les quelques VFers français (et parisiens en l'occurence) viendraient se perdre dans cette partie du forum....
Yeah good gameS to you LoisMustDie. Those matches were really exciting. They barely all ended after the 5th round. Bien jouer ;).
Oh ! REALLY ??? Thanks to that retarded freak piece of Trash, i've seen the light. Now it's ok if you move on, because it was INDEED a "joke" that...
This not just a game, this is VIRTUAL FIGHTER ! Anything can happen man [/tsua]
Separate names with a comma.