Complaining about Wolf 6K or Jeff 3PK abare? Really? If youre opponents keep using 17/16f COUNTERHIT-REQUIRING starters from DISADVANTAGE with SUCCESS, there is something wrong with your game.
No, characters really need them for damage in this game. Eileen doesn't get half decent damage from ANYTHING safe and faster than 19f. This is especially stupid design for a character who takes high damage. The only other character who lacks this is Aoi, though i'd argue 2_3P~P+G is still far better than the options Eileen has.
It's why i say outside of her jab she's effectively the slowest character and it also makes me wonder how you guys ever lose to such an incomplete character.
Yes her launcher would work fine but you're not going to guess right everytime and if its blocked or evaded its punishable. 3P works yes, but alone it doesn't knock down I'd have to use 3P-236KKK Like Marly said and hope I hit the just frame every time.
Aoi's 43P+K CH Combo starter is probably what Pit is looking for, although she has tons of other combo starting tools too. 46P+K beats sabaki's and combos on normal hit so it's good vs Goh, vs Aoi, vs Vane DS (sabaki spammer chars).
How do evasive properties help her at +5? How does punishment help her at +5? A slower evasive move means that you have to outguess opponent. Punishment is something your opponent allows. Again, how do you people lose to this character?
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