Omega lib should play vs him to see what no def means lol. Guys i d like to but except a lil sf4 i suck to all the rest. I played jojo icky i m a fan of the serie the one 2d and the last one. The 1st i can t succed a combo with jotaro the last too much updates and no players
This what lib said about you. But if u re interest by my opinion i d say the way u D is efficient vs me but u use too much 2/8p+k+g p u could be traped by a high lvl player and lose a half bar. A lil more def techs and u ll be an awesome player :)
I know @MakiLeSushi until vf start paying my bills I'll do more "def techs" until I'm just having fun, I don't see other brads fight the way I do or half the combos I do.
the combo with Back throw for sure i never saw it but for the rest sorry to say that, lib does better combos, i mean when he starts a combo it take so long that i almost have time to light on a cigarette lol. Idk for the rest of the cast, i m talkin vs Van
I don't know why you're getting so uptight Omega it's really obvious with your Abare always style that you only play online and are clearly just mashing for fun. That style wouldn't work offline ever, but like you said you're just having fun and aren' t a serious player so it's really no big deal.
Dojo mode isn't playing people offline. You abare too much, you whiff way too much, you attack from disadvantage often, you spam strings, and throw out unsafe things that would cost you dearly offline. The frame data from your replays show you mash constantly from disadvantage & it is readily apparent that FS is an online only game for you.
I always turn on frame data in replays to see how fraudulent online is and who is just mashing flowcharts. It is a point of great laughter and color commentary before we run offline sets here!
Wow you know alot about me even though I never fought you @steelbaz everything I do legit maybe because you never seen it before so I understand if you know what's going on.
Some fights are harder then others but I no complaints
Jul 17, 2015
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