Comments on Profile Post by BlackGeneral

  1. kungfusmurf
    You're wrong!
    Dec 8, 2015
  2. BlackGeneral
    Dec 8, 2015
  3. kungfusmurf
    Explained: Now you need to eat ever more pork, fried chicken & watermelon. Face Darth NUTZ & DEFEAT HIM! By the way if he says he's your cousin, he's lying. That lazy old nutz, always dodging. Like he was Dave Chappelle, hiding from the media.
    Dec 8, 2015
  4. BlackGeneral
    You're too good of a troll. I'd play Rod anytime, but he doesn't care about FS
    Dec 8, 2015
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  5. kungfusmurf
    Have you ever felt you beat him completely mentally? If the answer is maybe or no then oh well.
    Dec 8, 2015
  6. BlackGeneral
    I did feel as though I had him beat mentally a couple of times. But we don't play as nearly as often so I don't remember exactly.
    Dec 8, 2015
  7. kungfusmurf
    So the answer is NO.
    Dec 8, 2015
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  8. og23
    Since when is emulating players who are better than you a bad thing?
    Dec 9, 2015
  9. Manjimaru
    If someone doesn't want to play anymore, that person is already beat mentally.
    Dec 9, 2015
  10. Jacko
    ^Not necessarily. Some times people have places to be or things to do.
    Dec 9, 2015
    Ellis, BlackGeneral and og23 like this.
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