Comments on Profile Post by BlackGeneral

  1. steelbaz
    He plays different games last I heard, i've dropped FS completely myself and am trying to learn a bit of KOF13 and look forward to Tekken 7.
    Dec 11, 2015
  2. og23
    He most likely moved on, not everyone is gonna stick around with the same game for 4 years, especially when it's a game as unpopular as FS
    Dec 11, 2015
    steelbaz likes this.
  3. YOMI
    He was bitch made like everyone else who quit.
    Dec 11, 2015
    og23 likes this.
  4. Jacko
    Last I heard he was heavily into LoL. Who knows after that.
    Dec 11, 2015
  5. og23
    Oh god, not League! I'd rather hear that he turned to SF4 because he found it better than FS, good lord, he's gone to the dark side!
    Dec 12, 2015
  6. Terracrush
    been playing dota2 ( hard mode league) since almost as long as fs, you can do both . then again thats the ONLY 2 games ive been playing for a bit. Apparently Joho simply doesn't want to play a fighting game at the moment.
    Dec 12, 2015
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