Comments on Profile Post by Citrus

  1. Kruza
    *sigh* Sega of Japa-... I mean Sega Sammy Holdings' leadership never ceases to find brand new ways to disappoint.

    The focus on expanding their business throughout Japan to the Asian market as a whole is fine, as is creating content for the expanding smartphone market. But the video game console industry is and will continue to remain strong in the US and Europe for years to come.
    Feb 10, 2016
  2. Kruza
    And Sega's lineage of games over the last couple decades has and still does appeal to many people in both regions. However, from what is explained in this Q&A interview of CEO Hajime Satomi, SSH's broad focus on "entertainment" seems to be overlooking the primary factors which got this company worldwide recognition and critical acclaim in the first place, which is sad to see.
    Feb 10, 2016
  3. Kruza
    For this to be a so-called "merger" of Sega and Sammy Holdings Inc., it sure looks to be strictly the Sammy Holdings side actually calling the shots these days.

    No matter what heights you may reach when trying to achieve success, you should never forget your roots.
    Feb 10, 2016
    jimi Claymore likes this.
  4. Ellis

    Is the gist of that interview.
    Feb 10, 2016
  5. steelbaz
    LMFAO nobody would let SEGA run their company into the ground Kruza. Mobile phone games might be within their ability because they've been a failure in the console arena for the last 23 years. They know their place.
    Feb 10, 2016
    Kruza likes this.
  6. Myke
    The official nail in the coffin for VF's future?!
    Feb 11, 2016
    steelbaz likes this.
  7. Ellis
    sega is refocusing their efforts to where they predict $ makes financial sense, but not vf sense. unless vf has already been in their pipeline, and isnt canceled - then crowdfunding could help, if we have involved devs personally interested. think on this, errytime we decry or make any other action then those strenghtening our combined community love for virtua fighter, no matter from what angle or level.
    Feb 11, 2016
    Kruza likes this.
  8. ToyDingo
    Fucking disappointing. Satomi has no love for what Sega used to be. He's going to do to Sega what the new CEO of Konami has done to that company. No love for games or the history they created, but focusing on "diversifying the portfolio".

    Fucking geniuses.
    Feb 11, 2016
    Kruza likes this.
  9. steelbaz
    They need to make money, Sega is a failure of a company and needs some new leadership and a new direction. Please just enjoy FS Jacky Brodi ^_^
    Feb 11, 2016
    ToyDingo likes this.
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