Comments on Profile Post by oneida

  1. LegendaryHero90
    wait what???.... Tokyo Games show?
    Sep 12, 2016
  2. Citrus
    It would surprise me if soon actually means TGS, I know for sure something is coming up before year's end, but TGS?
    Aah, I don't care, I'll let myself get hyped, it's only one week to figure out what it's gonna be.
    Sep 12, 2016
  3. Sonic The Fighters
    Sonic The Fighters
    The dude said it's sure about 65-70℅.

    If it's a new VF next gen, omg the world is not ready...
    Sep 12, 2016
    adamYUKI likes this.
    everyone in the Calibur community already knows SC6 is coming (Bamco's been dropping hints for months), so that part is correct at least. We'll see, when it comes to VF tho...
    Sep 12, 2016
  5. ShinyBrentford
    I can't wait to taste all those shoutbox tears
    Sep 12, 2016
  6. YOMI
    Cool, VF pachinko 2 incoming. The story mode continues!
    Sep 12, 2016
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