Comments on Profile Post by oneida

  1. Blitzball Champ
    Blitzball Champ
    Oct 28, 2016
    adamYUKI likes this.
  2. adamYUKI
    HYPE!!!!!!!!! Training mode all day err day!
    Oct 28, 2016
    Chanchai and Blitzball Champ like this.
  3. Rodnutz
    You @oneida sir is beyond awesome! I'm speechless!
    Oct 28, 2016
    Chief_Flash, Chanchai and oneida like this.
  4. Stl_Tim
    I thought is was a divorce hearing for Shang and flash?
    Oct 28, 2016
  5. Chanchai
    This time I don't want to hear whining about the Japanese players at Evo :p

    Stirring old pots aside... Man, that's awesome Oneida! I'm shocked! And have committed to making a decent donation to NMTC.
    Oct 28, 2016
    Chief_Flash, adamYUKI and oneida like this.
  6. daRockReaper
    Dude that's bonkers man
    Oct 28, 2016
    Chanchai, Chief_Flash and oneida like this.
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