Comments on Profile Post by Ellis

  1. IcKY99
    Ellis_reptile is taken?? Or E_rep???
    Nov 1, 2016
  2. Ellis
    DIdnt check, might have been feasibles alternatives - but i pondered if id make the new username not have traces of my old. just "ellis" was ofc, unsurprisingly taken ^^
    Nov 1, 2016
    IcKY99 likes this.
  3. Ellis
    "e_rep" was lol also :p
    Nov 1, 2016
    IcKY99 likes this.
  4. Modelah
    Step 1: Accept my Friend Request. Step 2: PRePare for horrendous sumo beatings.
    Nov 2, 2016
    Ellis likes this.
  5. IcKY99
    U better bring her a big mac
    Nov 2, 2016
    Ellis likes this.
  6. Ellis
    this would be even more "epic scale" since due to my girlfriend im effectively vegetarian now (shes vegan but ive not yet leveled up enough to refrain from milk and egg noms) ellisvan will fight fiercly to thwart any mcmeals or macs ^^
    Nov 3, 2016
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