Yo BG, they were talking about someone who had uploaded sets of VF5R and FT on YouTube, and were wondering if they were American. They seemed pleasantly surprised, and mentioned that they wanted to play those games again since they only had vanilla on the PS3.
They also said that there were lots of players who felt FS was meh, that they preferred R, and that it was a pity it wasn't around anymore. They felt R's life was cut prematurely short when FS dropped.
Apparently you can't play R without a server that has stored data, and that when the update to vanilla came out with Live Arena everything dried up (I dunno what all that means), so I guess that's why they were surprised the vids popped up from a non-JP player. Osu.
Yeah, VF5R when played definitely feels like a pre-cursor to Final Showdown. In all honesty, I prefer R > FS, the only thing I'd take from FS is the jump speed because in R, while still done by holding G, had the same floaty animations from Vanilla 5.
Of course, any who know me know the REAL reason why I pick R > FS :P
I think I'd remove the jump animations and throw clash... I completely believe in launch beating throw attempts. Also, the majority if not the whole cast feels strong. If every character is a contender, people are more willing to play, and possibly even explore other characters.
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