Comments on Profile Post by AngryFlyingChop

  1. DK
    are you talking about that dsaq guy? Lol he's pretty funny
    Sep 15, 2017
  2. AngryFlyingChop
    He's annoying. He sandbags until I get a few wins then out of nowhere he's fighting me in a FT10.
    Sep 15, 2017
  3. DK
    Don't be angry and embrace the troll
    Sep 15, 2017
    jimi Claymore likes this.
  4. AngryFlyingChop
    He's trying to get me to actually LEARN this game just to beat him. ._.
    Sep 16, 2017
    oneida likes this.
  5. DK
    Isn't that a good thing? Why would you be opposed to actually learning the game
    Sep 16, 2017
  6. AngryFlyingChop
    I'd basically be learning Jacky frames and gimmicks out of spite.
    Sep 17, 2017
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