In fact she s not strong enough comparing her weigth, with vanessa, against someone who s got good def skills it s hard to break the guard, but easy to get big dmg due to her weigth, she would be awesome if she s got only one special move more that s my opinion
Maki,you have gotten spoiled playing Vanessa. She is a strong character in this version of vf. I play Sarah and Vanessa,so I can appreciate how good Vanessa is.
I've never understood why Van could be comboed like shes Eileen. To me she looks like she should be much heavier. I mean like looking at her you cant tell me she doesnt weight more then Pai or Sarah. And shes tall too. Almost as tall as Jean. And he suffers from lighter weight combos too. I dont know man.... Van does need to be heavier.
Vanessa has eaten huge combos since VF5 vanilla (I've been wall hit bounced 5 times in the same combo in that!!!). Reason being is because her hurtbox is HUGE. It's cool though. She's a glass cannon which is fun.
@-nero- yes she s got her sabaki mid her evading punch etc but it s risky moves, i mean the dmg u can obtain comparinģ the dmg receive the difference is huge. Now i don t say vanessa is weak, i m far from that, i just say that, 1 special move more would make her awesome, for exemple the ws knee she had in vf4 evo now it s goh who s got that move.
I guess thats the same reason why Jean gets fucked up in combos as well. What does Sega have against tall people? Lol
Sep 26, 2017
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