Comments on Profile Post by BlackGeneral

  1. cruzlink2
    I suppose you mean online of course, cause if you mean offline you got ifixmachine on weekends to play offline unlike 99% of US.
    Apr 11, 2018
  2. BlackGeneral
    Easy Cruzstay the Mod-Don, I was being sarcasic boss. I'm lucky, I know.
    Apr 11, 2018
  3. BlackGeneral
    Accidentally reported this post. @Myke disregard that please.
    Apr 11, 2018
    Myke likes this.
  4. Tricky
    Got so salty accidentally hit report lol
    Apr 12, 2018
  5. VFhayato
    The VF cab is almost done I just have to wire up the buttons and were done
    Apr 12, 2018
  6. Mold_Monkey93
    What's up with cruz? Why the name change? Is this your Tinder profile?
    Apr 14, 2018
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