Just started playing! This is me dawg: https://goo.gl/images/QyNLQr I found that some distance from the game (1± years) makes me appreciate the game more. Play, Konjou ~~
Shiiiit I've been away since 2012! Came back because there's still no fighting game as good as VF. Everyone levelled up so I enjoy the challenge everyone brings. I just wish more people played still.
2009 was when I last played, haha. Just started playing regularly again this year. I’m almost starting from scratch and relearning the game but I’m loving every minute of it. Took for granted the scene we had in NYC.
Hey Rodney you’re one of the top dogs in vf, that fact alone will make many come back to play if they knew you were back on xbx live. Second you’re the most high quality technical Akira player ever (including Japan) going up against the nations top akira would have many exited. And the third reason is that we always have competitive PMs together.
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