Some good words spoken there. Also, what was funny is that I was over here thinking 'Wow, I've never seen so many people in ranked'. Then at the end you say how no one is on, lol. I know you meant higher ranked players, though.
@Myke he was referring to Kage's uppercut. I don't understand how Tim comes up with some of these crazy number scenarios. In regards to numbers learn the guaranteed punishes and fuck everything else because we are not playing VF4. This is FS and FS don't give a damn about you being +6. Makes me wonder if he's ever seen highly level Jacky abare?
He comes up with it because hes a dumbass marauding as a intelligent person. Every theory he coms up with can be countered hard because Tim doesnt like contingency plans. If plan A doesnt work, then i guess im fucked then cuz i dont have a plan B...
Well, Lion's upper is identical in execution and input to Kage's, so IDKWTF he's referring to with it being 1f faster. Also, Lion's uppercut has the added bonus of having built-in ducking frames allowing it to go under highs/mids under the right conditions, making it a powerful abare tool.
@Jason Elbow I believe it's stance specific. Try recording Lion doing 3P > 33P, then play it back against yourself. Guard the 3P then try to either 6P or 3K and you'll find CPU Lion's 33P hits you as a RCH (so, no launch). So between -3 and -6 in closed stance Lion's uppercut *evades* standard elbows and sidekicks.
I admit that I read the count wrong.
My intentions and question was with the activity of 33p’s in general. While playing I noticed kage’s and jacky’s hits more often. Does the activity being longer cause this?!
No! You’re just getting hit. Seriously Tim you are over thinking this. Either attack faster so your uppercut beats mines or wait a tad bit longer so you don’t get MC’ed to see what happens.
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