can't you reverse the third punch of any [P][P][P] string?
also, it works great on newbs, cos they think it looks like his [9][K]+[G] for a little while, and by the time they realise, it's too late [img]
i'm finnally DTEing on reaction! usually, i could only throw escape puposefully when i did a guarenteed throw move (in which case i would TTE...
how big is the file? i mght download it (my internet is slow, so sometimes it can cost a bit)
i cant be arsed right now, but i'll try it later. thanks for he help creed! [img]
any use? lei fei [3]+[P]+[G] [P]+[K][P][P] i think it works on mids and unders, for around 70+points. jacky. [P]+[K],[P], [3_][K][K] (double...
wahoo! i can now do his ST-->sglpm-->dblpm every time, well at least if i start the whole thing on the right and fin on the left. [img] better go...
i've never even got to see this yet [img]
hmm... i want to know how to make them [img]
come to think of it, why is there a palace stage? no-one fights or lives there, and it has nothing to do with any of the characters. this isn't...
yes, it is impossible to teach him that [img] i think it is because it is imppossible to teach your A.I to learn to do CD modified moves. also,...
i know what crumbles are already, i just don't know what he meant.
Re: Virtua Fighter's storyline (The way it should be). jacky should win cos napoleon won that tourney thingy.
whaty do you mean about crumbles? during air combos or just normal hit?
i suppose, but still half the life is a good start.
i really tend to use body checks once i realise the opp is charging an attack. if akira is charging against you, you have to dodge backwards...
maybe you can only roll some slam moves, for exaple akiras stpm is singularily a slam move, but in combos, it wasn't.
generally, when i first got the game, i couldn't handle his level mixing. it is definately the best thing to learn them. if you like them,...
oh by the way, how can you compare a floater to a normal move? it makes no sense. also, dodgin charge attacks during the animation then Dbcing...
what about CATCH throws CreeD? you don't want to fall victim to a PIT combo (which is still pretty hard to avoid, although it van be) do you....
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