Why pay for it when the community outside of JP are doing it for them, as well getting free feedback & ideas from the interactions among players...
<<< No, I am real BBS OK!!!
Wasakon LA, if you want to Bully NA, you need to get your JP ass to NYC OK. I am willing to crowd fund your flight kun.
If you're wondering why @Rodnutz hasn't stream for a while is becuase he's practicing AK's Max DMG, gogogo LOL.
@Chief_Flash Next F - Cup with 20+ players. I will donate $200 into the pot, OK!
Who would like to see NA do a AK Knee Off, what say U Suckers!? LOL
@Stl_Tim Fortune Cookies are JP..., Silly White Castle LOL NEXT!
FT10 or ? BTW @BlackGeneral AK & @AyuFanBoy AK please.
FT rule: Loser has to stay & play casual matches for at least an hour...
You would have to be pretty freaking HIGH with White Castle Munchies & not realize it's a Steak.
Enough with the meanness OK, who's Balls did I not do a pristine job of shaving & waxing!? Because even Sound Track A, kicked me OK!
@ShinyBrentford is too so SEXY it HURTS!
https://youtu.be/J1_7txENpb0 @Tricky no worries Neutral NutZ won't even do 1 of these Combos.
<< People's Chump NOT champ OK! Wo wo wo, WTH why are you dragging me into this? What because I'm also old, grumpy, overly sensitive, stubborn,...
AM2 is trolling with the matchmaking OK!
All Hail @Tricky, Top Tier NYC Player!!! Denkai Who?
So many ScrubDown Tapes, so little time.
W/O the Hate / Salt VF would be nothing outside of JP.
Here we go again with another rotation of BAM more Pai Chans players. That Shiwa kid's neutral game is scary as F#$%!
@Valakrie, look here #1 Bully of NA pick on someone your own size OK!!!
Separate names with a comma.