I have to say that 3 K is THE move in FS with Pai. Not only that is a good move in neutral... Because after a succesful STEP/DM/EVADE (whatever)...
I'm using more and more pai low throws. When the opponent is techrolling to much. I finish my combos by a simple ppkk and go for a free 33P+G :D...
Requests sended. Fell Free to add cause I'm really searching for VF players these days...
As a wall combo starter I use 6P+K 3PP6P 6K+G WS P+K P. Works on every one. I made a variation of nightantilli use of 64 P+G I use 64PP after...
ggs xX Oracle 78 Xx. A Few players online yesterday night... :/ Others hidden in room matchs... :/
When BT the 2P WSP+K P works... Because you're back turned the opponent face you while falling... The point is sometimes you have to finish you're...
Got a question on combos: During some of my matchs I noticed that "usual combos" are not working because the character is changing "falling...
ggs Chibitox (so hard to beat your Vanessa... :/ ) Omegamannnn A jacky from Russia... JackBryant38?? not really sure... I'll make tons of ranked...
I use a lot of moves that keeps him away. Like 3 P+K and I choose to close or keep the distance depending on the situation. Some Goh players...
unky chop chop GFA VF Kingo RORORORORORORO Private Derp Kingheim (lag switch ahahah!)
SidneyLee again and again and again...
Some of the best akira i've runned through were trying to make my pai chan evade and retaliate with a fast move like 6P or 3K to evade MY moves =>...
You're the man!
Sarah specific strats: -using k launcher for punishing (very fast) -evading from her front during flamingo stance -Sarah got a full circular sweep...
I made a lot of miror matchs yesterday with Kingo. I've got plenty of stuff to show you! [img] Jean is okay for me now because average player...
Pai player here: In terms of animation 1PG low throw and 63214PG which is pretty cool on taka LOL I also like 6PG on heavy characters. [img]
This a good intel. Thank you.
The question is also what do you need to do or not to do during neutral. Zoning. Etc... Mostly how do you "play the match up". Don't know if this...
Re: You are playing too much Virtua Fighter when . When you can say by reading GT list: - this guy always use this same string that I always...
It seems that i'll have to answer my question by myself. T.T
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