Cheers @Myke, I checked out that Twitch set. I always cringe when watching my replays. And yes, I believe I have the best dressed sumo on Earth. :)
Save your thumbs for better things, such as hitchhiking. Just shrug your shoulders and say 'oh shiiiet' instead. You'll get slammed but your...
Yo BChamp, IIRC, didn't you make a comment about Bachata music before? I'm into all kinds of latin club music (I used to dance Bachata semi-pro...
GGs BigBossMan @Myke. Very tricky style to play against, and PSN held up quite well despite the distance. I was happy to eke out a few wins, even...
You're nursejonny? My bad if that wasn't you, but yeah I remember chasing after you most times... GGs
Nah, I was referring to JP online. I didn't want to be a dick about it because it's where I live and there's always a bunch of decent players on...
GGs new online buddies!
@llMICll Pro-tip: Multiple headbutts to the analog sticks will work wonders if you're having trouble breaking the controller. HTH
There are only 3 wrestling games that I truly enjoyed; AJPW feat. Virtua (above), WCW vs NWO Revenge (fuckin' A) on the N64, and All-Star...
Yo VFDC! I'm out of hospital. I'll have to be more careful next time I'm chasing ninja assassins across the rooftops of Japan.
Thanks for this amazing write-up @MadeManG74! I have so many fond memories of Fighters Megamix. I bought a Saturn just to play it, and also this:...
ACL reconstruction surgery day after next! Send your Big Macs to! OSU!
-15f? Dang, it must be hard to bust out a decent Mcwild against a skilled opponent. Jeff: "RRRAAAA- ..." Van: "It was ridiculous." lol
Yo, EAT CHANKO and LEARN SUMO TODAY!!! Transform Thyself!
Sure. It's a pic of smutty Van looking on as a grunting, sweaty Jeff furiously beats his Mcwild, obviously. Just as a hidden sniper puts her out...
Am I the only one who laughed at that Jeff pic up there?
You get 100 cool points for the Great Muta avatar, though.
Step 1: Accept my Friend Request. Step 2: PRePare for horrendous sumo beatings.
GGs HotRod!
Separate names with a comma.