I played her in VF4Evo and Vanilla 5. I forgot how fun all her cancels were. At some point I might pick her up again.
Now I'm getting Aoi fever.
Honestly, even if this petition doesn't get to the ultimate goal of re-releasing FT in HD, it does bring about one good thing: Awareness. Most...
Time to go Vrrroooom!
Incoming snorefest.
I taught I taw a puddy tat
HungryBoss wants that Blackstar burger.
That was actually a legit typo. Well, not typo but I mentally MEANT to change the order, but forgot as I was getting off the bus. Official true...
Vanessa would be the hardest imo, because it's like learning two characters, but easiest is definitely Pai. Honestly, this is how I see it:...
Your official theme song. [MEDIA]
I made sure to DVR record the Dallas Cowboys game so i could play on RAW tonight.
I wouldn't say match of the century, but it should be one hell of a slobber knocker. These two want to destroy each other and I can't wait!
lol PSN should be FULL of players. At least if I'm playing twice, I'm using two different characters against two different people, but didn't you...
lol of course I have long since seen/heard this (even have the song on my ipod), but thank you for the gesture. :)
Snake Boss needs to become Hungry Boss because this guy is just hungry to play. I'm only doing the Sarah Slam because BG wants to re-learn the...
Oh shit the Sarah Slam. I totally forgot. Ummm, I can do that too, but just so you know 2v1 is still the old RR format of we play until you or...
I'll take on that challenge. It'll give me a good chance to play a good opponent with my Goh and see how far I've truly progressed. Let's make it...
Hahahaha, but I don't want to watch "lol", I want to watch a slobber knocker.
He hasn't quite confirmed, but he's deciding between Goh/Akira. IMO, he should use Goh since he's way more familiar with the character and can...
Honestly, in VF (and fighting games in general) and I'm sure you of all people know this best, knowing the match-up is only HALF the battle. Semi...
Separate names with a comma.