It works exactly the same. Just do whatever you find easier to input. I always find it easier to input the crouch dash forwards.
Just to clarify, crouch dash instantly puts you into a crouching state in the context of being crouching for while rising attacks (like Byakko),...
That little duck you're seeing is a crouch dash, which instantly puts you into a crouching state. With a combination of correct buffering and the...
Has he ever worked on a Virtua Fighter game? Doesn't seem like the right guy to expect something from.
Different controllers have different lag values too, even on the same console. How do you normalise when testing?
I'd guess that the results for PS3 and 360 are within the margin of error of each other? Seems right, as they feel the same. I remember being told...
Who plays just to win either? Winning is fun, but so is learning & improving.
It's not that the body check isn't good, but some of Akira's other options have such a strong risk/reward that BODYCHECK doesn't make that much...
Sounds like the Japanese need @cruzlink2 to save them!!
GGs to PSN, which seems to work properly with my new Router :)
They just need to take all the stuff from the bloomin' pachinko machines and put them in the fighting game. The fact this even needs to be...
LoL What have Sega done in the last 10 years that makes you assume they have any?
Just got back from Brazil. What i miss?
【ガガスバンダス A】華(VA)ナナホシ(PA)R ヤサカゲ(KA) 【ガガスバンダス B】犬(VA)薄着のお兄さん(TA)出前(WO) 【フレッシュウインナーズ A】まんちゃん(JA)みひまる(AK)間久見(JN)...
Merry Christmas
Good Luck. Enjoy your bionic knee!!
Damn Steelbaz beat me to it. The correct answer is play Tekken ;)
There are gaps. If you're playing online, check your opponents inputs against Lei Fei's frame data to see where you could have counter attacked....
It must have been hard to pick their favourite 10 out of the massive total of 20.
Walk it off... No that's a joke sorry. Hope you get well soon buddy.
Separate names with a comma.