The VF4 Evolution Quest FAQ is now available under the VF4 section. The FAQ details each Arcade in Quest mode and lists every quest order, their...
If you are running a proxy server, using a home network with a proxy server or using Windows XP with a Firewall, you may have problems using this...
Namflow's Drunken Shun FAQ as been added to the Shun section. Thanks Namflow! [P]+[K]+[G]
[img] Top 3 pictured above: Ryan, Chibita, Ohsu Akira (photo courtesy of omni) EVO2003 is a wrap. Here are the official results from the Finals:...
<font color="orange">PS2 EVO CURSE ITEM FAQ</font> This FAQ was originally translated by my friend Kim with some edits from myself. In...
In the August issue of Arcadia, they have an article on the ARE technique. It's derived from the ECD defensive technique, and can be used to avoid...
With EVO2003 being just over a month away, I'd like to get a roll call going to see who's going to be there. Depending on time, people's...
This is a translation for the Japanese version of PS2 Evolution's Quest Mode. I'd like to thank all who contributed information in the original...
Just got this email from my friend Atsushi. Please note that it is just a rumour at this stage, and there's also talk of FV3 going around which...
Well the cool thing about Aoi's [2_][3][P] is that it has the ability to go under mid attacks. If it didn't, there's no way it'd be able to beat...
Just some tidbits from July's issue of Arcadia I thought I'd share. 1. It's possible to prevent a wall hit in some cases by buffering in ukemi...
So I brought along my camcorder to the arcade last Friday night and taped some matches. I've captured what I hope to be some of the more...
VFDC EVO2003 Mirror <font color="yellow">Going to EVO2003?</font> Let us know! <font color="orange">ANNOUNCEMENT:</font> VF Japanese Players...
The VF4 Evo Sabaki, Reversal, Inashi Chart has been released to the VF4 section. It's a complete reference to every sabaki, reversal and inashi in...
Brought to my attention by YamaInu (TBZone's webmaster), sasaki mk-II interviews ShinZ and Pos Akira, two famous VF players from Korea, during...
Sega's 3rd VF4 national tournament, Kakutou Shinseiki 2 (roughly translated to "New Century Grapple 2") will be broadcast live from the am.sega...
Some of you have noticed that Cafeglobe is no longer offering web translation services. If you hit their site, they are currently recommending...
DrunkenCat's Evo Shun Guide has been uploaded to the VF4 Shun section. I'm sure he'll appreciate any comments and feedback. Check it out!
Catch22 has been kind enough to capture some of the wallpaper found in the PS2 version of VF4 Evolution. Some of these are hot! <font...
This was posted by mao2 over at GameFAQs. I'm reposting this with his permission: ---- Here are a list of secrets and infos that I guess most...
Separate names with a comma.