A while ago I posted a request for links to threads that were character specific. Good threads with valuable content that is. Anyway, I'm finding...
The by MsWayneWayne is now available under the <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/vf4/>VF4 section. The FAQ will be updated...
I'm pleased to announce the first version of MsWayneWayne's which is now available under the <a target="_blank"...
While continuing with Command List updates, and slightly reformatting, I've finally gotten around to putting up the Command List Legend. Just...
Updated Hyun's and <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/view.php?section=vf4&file=vf4_rising_attacks_hyun.txt>Dodging Rising Attacks.
Three new VF4 FAQs by Hyun added to the site today: <ul type="square"> <a target="_blank"...
<font color=orange>Character Weight Chart</font color=orange> <pre> _________________________________________________________________ |...
The Command Lists are now printer and (more) screen friendly now.
Here's another funny series of flash animations from Korea: Bizarre Rabbit! Usagi-san has nothing on this guy! [img]
Nutlog's <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/view.php?section=vf4&file=vf4_damage_scaling_nutlog.txt>Damage Scaling FAQ</a> is now...
The VF4 Kage section has been updated with uk-guy's excellent and newly added <a target="_blank"...
The excellent <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/view.php?section=vf4&file=vf4_ranking_faq.html>VF4 Ranking System Guide &...
It took longer than expected, but Versus City has been finally given the much-needed overhaul. A summary of changes are listed below: Versus...
Versus City will be closed for approximately 2 to 3 hours this coming Friday, 29th March, 2002, for maintenance. Please refer to the below for the...
IKUZO! Massive update to uk-guy's <a target="_blank"...
The <font color=orange>Version C Command Lists</font color=orange> for all the characters will become available over the coming days, so head on...
<font color=red>Pop quiz:</font color=red> You're up against Lau in the finals. There's a VF4 Arcade machine (among other, equally insane prizes)...
A preliminary <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/commands/index.php?chara=dural>Dural Command List</a> is now available on VFDC,...
Thanks to mao2 (from GameFAQs), with his permission I've taken his Rankings guide and given it the VFDC treatment. This should answer many...
<font color=white>VIRTUA FIGHTER 4 BLUE BOOK</font color=white> - ADVANCED PHASE - enterbrain mook | arcadia extra vol.8 | isbn4-7577-0783-5...
Separate names with a comma.