Doesn't suck. Kage's elbow can be used to enter the Falling Leaf stance (FL) by holding P. In this stance, you will auto reverse and high P...
Arcade: Playtime Location: Sydney, Australia Qty: 1 Ver: B Rounds: 3 cpu / 3 versus Price: $1 AUD per credit Cabinet: Megalo 410 It's almost 4am...
It's been a long time coming but VFDC is finally being updated. Currently, Home and Versus City are the only areas operational. All forthcoming...
PS2.ign has some VF4 wallpapers for download in 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions. The currently have wallpapers for Akira, Aoi, Jacky...
I've copied this post with the permission of the author (who wishes to remain anonymous) because I feel some of it may benefit those who, like me,...
..and it was such a disgusting experience. Just WTF is going on over at Namco? My main gripe is in the game's graphics and overall presentation....
As some of you know, I had a chance thanks to tragic to visit SHGL (not SVGL as I previously said, sorry) and play the VF4 beta. Below is a log...
Here's the result of having some unexpected time on my hands -- <A target="_blank" HREF=>the latest...
I had originally planned for most of the site to be back up this weekend, but due to a thing called life I couldn't get it done in time. What this...
VFDC has switched hosts, and I'm pleased to say that <font color=red>Versus City</font color=red> is back and operational (with a new look to...
The Virtua Fighter Archive is ready to be shipped! Mr. Bungle writes: <font color=white> <A target="_blank"...
The Virtua Fighter Archive is ready for initial release. In case you haven't heard of the VFA, here's a brief rundown of what you can expect over...
Versus City has been upgraded! This mammoth upgrade sees a lot of new features, especially in the registered user area with enhanced messaging,...
Sega AM2 will release the long awaited NAOMI2 arcade game Virtua Fighter 4 in Japanese arcades on August 8. A PlayStation 2 port of the game is...
Finally, Mr. Bungle brings you what is undoubtedly the biggest, bestest and sexiest character FAQ for the VF3 series. His <A target="_blank"...
As some of you may know, ECC6 takes place this weekend. There's a very good chance that I'll be going to compete in CvS and ST, so I was wondering...
MoAT, VT, or Debb's Party Pictures Flash, whatever you want to call it, the people want a tournament. If you weren't psyched up enough already,...
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="986957068Myke"> Should...
I thought I'd take this opportunity to test one of the new features of the forum upgrade - polls. I actually hate polls, but what the hey. So in...
Versus City has been upgraded. Please bare with the colour scheme for now until I sort it out in a couple of days. In the meantime, feel free to...
Separate names with a comma.