Po i agree. Though to add, i think you can be just as successful in VF as you can in T6 and SC5 as well as games like SF4 by button bashing. The...
GGs to Blossy. Always nice to play you. And GGs to Seidon. Refusing to show me the super secret tactics i know he's saving for hypespotting....
Done. Have to say i'm a bit suspicious that i can't see any rules up on the site for VF...What's going on?
Is Name my "name" name, or handle? I'll have to sort this tomorrow. Should have done it ages ago.
The thing is, just guard seems like it will be even better than guard impact. Once people get the timing down perfectly, anything other than a...
Kiltchko won on points. Big difference in score, but it was a good fight. Also, LOL at Chisora being a "Youth". He's a grown ass man.
I couldn't get it to work. I'm either doing it wrong or it was patched out? More testing is required, but for the moment it's easier for me to...
So you clearly agree you're shite at VF as you had absolutely nothing to say on that, and instead the response was a comment on where he lives?...
Tricky, do you know if it jumps slow lows, like Xiba's 1A?
Definately will be stuff going on there for Marvel, KOF and SC5. Doubt there is any VF stuff going on there...Pre Final Showdown, that is. [img]
Yes, and Vanessa's surname is Lewis because she was found and adopted by a mercenary named Lewis. This is all in the bios.
Knee is actually impossible with crappy buttons. My tip is buy some sanwa or seimitsu and whatever you have, make sure it's clean. If you have...
Urrgh. She is exact the same skin tone wise as VF5 vanilla. There are now more options to change her skin colour though. Same as everyone else.
I expect comments in a week saying about how much you love the game [img] Whatever you do though Matt, DO NOT TRY THE MISSION MODE. Seriously,...
I like your speech at 2:36. Some truth spoken. [img]
Archive is up http://www.twitch.tv/iplaywinner/b/308186426. Gives error when i try to embed, so i'll leave that to people more awesome than me.
Exactly. So one of the things you have as an experienced player over an a newer one, basic defensive option selects, is taken away bringing you...
I still disagree, though less strongly. Though the better player should still win in a solid 2/3 bar connection, lag acts as a sort of equaliser....
I disagree. Some things that are pretty abusable and safe online, even with a 3bar connection, will get you straight killed offline. Saying there...
I love stuff like this. The scale of the universe http://onemorelevel.com/game/scale_of_the_universe_2012
Separate names with a comma.