[1 Dec 2012] NEC XIII - Dec 1-2 - Philly, PA - NEW VENUE (philadelphia, pa)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by FightClubHuBBs, Aug 29, 2012.

NEC XIII - Dec 1-2 - Philly, PA - NEW VENUE
Start Date: 1 Dec 2012 09:00 AM
End Date: 3 Dec 2012 09:00 AM
Time Zone: America/New_York -05:00 EST

Holiday Inn Stadium
900 packer ave
philadelphia, pa 19147

Posted By: FightClubHuBBs

Confirmed Attendees: 7
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  1. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    Damn, don't know why I didn't think to bring one.
  2. Fallsmyer

    Fallsmyer Member

    I got a setup in my room. PM me.
  3. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    Aw shit, I'm just now reading this from home. If only that had been posted 15 minutes earlier. I got a bit impatient just standing around watching Tekken matches so I left for the night.

    Anyway, I can bring an Xbox tomorrow if necessary.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Good showing by shidosha at the NEC 13 event in the vf5fs tournament. He came close in winning it and thanks for mentioning me and using my vfdc ID that was funny lol. Lau players in the grand finals, I like it.
  5. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    Did anyone by any chance have the final standings for all participants? It would be nice to have the results archived here.
  6. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Here's hoping Hubbs saved the bracket. (We did that shit pen and paper style!) :)

    GGs to everyone who showed up. Rare our matches were really good. Look forward to playing you again sometime. Low Sweep if you just played a little more VF you would be great at the game haha.

    And an open message to everyone from the Northeast area who were no shows. GET YOUR ASS OFF THE COUCH. Sit here complaining that VF is dying and don't even realize that you're a part of the reason why.

    I don't mind people missing random local tournies, but missing a MAJOR on the East Coast makes our game look bad. I know people got shit to do, but there's no way we couldn't have had more people from NY and VA. With as much notice for this tournament as we had, there shouldn't be any reason to not make it. You telling me you can't put aside ONE DAY for VF? With all that in mind March 29th. SAVE THE DATE. I wanna see a huge turnout at Final Round.

    In other news we had 25 players last night. Won't know the brackets unless Hubbs has it :(
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  7. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I was really disappointed in the turnout, given that I had planned to hit Philly for a tourney ever since MLG. I kinda felt that this was VF's last chance, and as a community, we blew it. Hard.

    I mean, yeah, I'm a pot monster, and the online tactics hurt me some, and I did get some good matches. Bummed I didn't get the results I wanted- I feel like I was really close to winning the matches I lost, I just wasn't good enough, though a character switch might help.

    This is really tempting me to finally make the switch to Vanessa.

    Thanks to Jaxel for streaming, and apologies for sucking so much commentating that one set I did. I gained an appreciation for it.
  8. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    yeah that's all well and good, but if they really want people to show to a major they shouldn't stick it to the back end of the weekend. Not many people want to do a Sunday tournament out of state. Most of us have real jobs and have to be at work Monday morning. Poor planning . The first battle by the bridge had a fucked up turnout for the same reason , Sunday tournaments suck.
  9. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    I get you dude, I really do.

    But don't you think you could manage one fucked up Monday at work? I did. I woke up @ 5am this morning after getting home from Philly at midnight.

    It's one day. Not really asking a lot.

    And another thing. We had like 3 months to plan for this. I think most jobs would be OK giving you Monday off if you told them THREE MONTHS before hand. Again there's probably exceptions to this rule, but I'm sure most people could swing that lol.
    nou likes this.
  10. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Most folks don't have good jobs in the FGC- though VF might be an exception due to most of us being older.

    School could have been a problem for some folks- exam crunch starts about this time.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You don't get to tell your prof. "Oh I had a tournament to go to so I'm gonna miss that exam review sessions". Finishing papers early is the only way to do it, and well that can be hard. My own fault I couldn't make it.
  12. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    25 people for VF5FS. Thanks for those who managed to make it out, including the elusive EMP Snakeboss. I'll post full results later on, I am beat. Here's top 4 for now. GG to everyone, including you jaxel(why are we rivals again? lol).

    1. Joho
    2. Lowsweep
    3. Rare Entity
    4. EMP Snake Boss
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Chill My dude.. I know you amp up you won and all.. but if they did come.. you'd been hoping they did'nt cause you would've lost lol!! J/K Seriously i actually agree with Rich about the timing.. Maybe if i was younger without family duties and trying to provide i would've been more active in the scene... But tournaments picked up to late in my era for me to care a whole lot.. Sorry!! Congrats though...
    Johoseph likes this.
  14. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Man I would give up this 350 in a heartbeat if everyone woulda competed. I want to play Denkai, Rod, Tricky, CidKid, you and everyone else who's always been above me in VF. I've never beaten any of them in tournament settings and I'm hungry to get to that point.

    I know there's exceptions to what I said earlier, not trying to blast anyone too hard, I just KNOW that more people coulda been there.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  15. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    . Hey dude you won. You should be glad Denkai and Rodnutz weren't there to hog all the money and the glory. I didn't find out until the last minute that VF was playing on Sunday . Sat first it was Saturday , it was removed from the listing, then it was changed to Sunday at he last minute. Besides work, you're competing against Sunday Nfl football, some cold beers and getting laid by my girlfriend . VF will lose to that every time. Especially FS which is pretty much a noobified joke.

    Anyway congrats on your win, it was great to see a real VFer win over a carpet bagger who tried to phone it in with Jacky. As for the tourney, it's a so-called major. It looks like a major for Sf4 and MVC3 , with VF tacked on as an afterthought . I asked earlier in the thread if they were going to be. Using those same crappy CRT Zenieth boob tube tvs they used at summer jam. No answer. You're asking for people to put down $40 and give poor customer service like that? /Fail. The challonge was up for SC5 the first day. This is supposedly a major and VF5 FS results still aren't up on challonge ./Fail.

    Don't tell me they didn't have the staff to do Vfs challonge, at summer jam they had lots of staff sitting at desks picking their noses. Just overall disorganized and unprofessional. I saw some of the battle on the bridge fights on YouTube, they were using crappy boob tube sd TVS they stole from some grandmothers kitchen.

    Again congrats on your win. As for the turnout, it shouldn't be a surprise . Only 4 people rsvped, the rest were tentative, and I think Cheif flash is banned. The writing was on the wall this was going to be a poor turnout.
  16. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    All the side tourneys were run on Sunday, there just isn't enough setups/man power to do everything in one day.VF finished around 6 or so.

    I also played in the Vampire Savior tournament at the same time. I wanted to play ST and KOF but they were running at the same time as well and felt I would've been overwhelmed so I only entered my two favorites. I entered A2 but that didn't start until after 8. I played one match then left to make sure I'd get home that night.

    VF and the other side games could've had more exposure, some people told me at the venue they didn't know VF was being run because it wasn't listed at the online registration.

    I'll end this by saying thanks to everyone who showed up. VF players are cool as fuck, they are the best. :)
  17. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    NEC is SF/Marvel/Tekken of course, but also is big for anime games.

    the other 3d fighters are kinda an afterthought, and the KOF community is real mad over how KOF got shafted there.

    I know a few people who were interested in KOF but wouldn't make it- the girl I was staying with was interested- but she's only at the buttonmash stage. :(
  18. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Hubbs stepped it up this time system wise. VF had 3 Asus monitors.:cool:

    At SummerJam, Jaxel entered the tourney into challonge using my laptop. I didn't bring it with me yesterday. Hubbs and Shidosha made up the bracket ayer.

    Not every game was put into challonge I believe, I remember announcers on Saturday saying that UMVC3 bracket was not online.
    Johoseph and FightClubHuBBs like this.
  19. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    The whole point of VF being repped at SF4 + UMVC3 Majors is to get exposure though. I mean it was basically stated by Mr. Wizard himself that if our game gets numbers at MAJORS, then we'll be at EVO. Otherwise we're getting side tourney treatment, which is probably what will happen.
  20. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Well then. You better hope the organizers of Final round don't stick VFFs on A Sunday a Monday afternoon , or use cheesy Sd set ups with TVs made by coby. That sort of thing will just sabatoge VFs aspirations of being a major game at EVO. Setting us up for failure. If VF had 200 people at 2012 EVO as a side tourney, making us jump through hoops further just to be recognized is just douchebaggery.

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